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Episode 00: Pre- Season Confessional - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 23rd Place - Voted Out 5-5-1-1 --
Welcome to your confessional, Garrett!

We are excited to have you back for season 38, and can't wait to see you take full advantage of this second chance. A few questions as we begin:

1-For the viewers who don't know you, give us a brief rundown of who you are and why you decided to come back for a second season!

2-What are you most looking forward to this season? What are you least looking forward to?

3-What is your game plan for this season, given the cast and given the twist of the season?

Below you will find a practice image tag puzzle. feel free to use it as practice before the season begins. Good luck! We're rooting for you!


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Danni Boatwright

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By Garrett
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1. I’m Garrett, a.k.a Charla, a.k.a Woo’s better half. This is technically my fourth season, but only third if you just count Stranded. I tend to be a bit of a crazy person, but who here isn’t? I mean, Wardog, Rocker, Liz, Stephanie: this is an insane asylum of a tribe. My stats for Stranded are pretty atrocious. I’ve attended five tribals across my two seasons, been voted out at 3 of them, and voted correctly at none of them. I’ve never found an idol, won an individual challenge, or made an ally. If I had one sentence to describe my playing style, it would be “great ideas, terrible execution” (though some would argue about the former :crazy:).

2. I guess I’m looking at my tribe, and I’ve got some doubts. Jessica, Liz, Aurora, Steph: you think I’m naming people from this tribe but really I’m naming people who would gouge my eyes out with a spoon if given the chance. Basically, everybody hates me. I’m like Bob Dylan when he switched from acoustic to electric. Or CD Projekt Red after the release of Cyberpunk. Or that dude Chris from that show where everybody hates him. Basically, I’m screwed.

But look, of course I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve. Already, two operations are underway. The first, Mission: Dossier, should be reaching the other tribe right about now. And if things go to plan those suckers will be throwing challenges left and right (and maybe sending me an idol - woah could you imagine)! My other scheme, which is currently untitled, has been in the works for the past 110 days. Hopefully I’ll survive long enough to enact it, but I can assure you it’ll be golden if I do.

So I guess I’m optimistic. Would I prefer it if I didn’t have all of the Garrett baggage coming into Tuamotus? Of course. But will that baggage crush me before I even board my plane?... To be determined.

So to answer your question, I’m looking forward to playing with Tai? Maybe Hannah? I’m not looking forward to much to be honest. The Stranded Coin is right up my alley though, and if Excursion was any indicator, I will be the most chaotic coin peddler this game has ever seen :wink:

3. Alright, so, I think I have a new plan. As Dean once said after Excursion, put me in any game where social strategy matters and I’ll be right back to a low placement. He’s right. I may have done well in Excursion, but that was just because ‘getting voted out’ isn’t a thing there.

Or maybe - just maybe - it was a different reason. As you may recall, Woo and I knew going into the season that we wouldn’t be able to play it timing-wise, so we played very flippantly, just trying to have fun. Contrast that with my two Stranded seasons, where I kept trying every trick in the book to survive, because I wanted TO WIN. See, that’s the key difference there. In Stranded, I tried to win. In Excursion, I tried to have fun. It has nothing to do with my failures socially. I mean, maybe that’s part of it, but I really think it’s a mental thing too. I have to enter Tuamotus not trying to win, and simply try to have fun.

So like I said, I have a plan. My strategy this season will be to implement the George Costanza rule in everything that I do. If you’re unfamiliar, the Costanza rule is based off of a legendary episode of Seinfeld in which George has an epiphany and realizes that he should do the opposite of whatever his gut tells him. And believe it or not, it works! (oh spoiler alert btw). He begins to have success that he never had before, and I think the same plan is in line with my own success after I tried to purposefully lose in Excursion S1.

Could this backfire on me? I really don’t think so. My gut is usually way off anyway, so this could put me back on track. And I’ll pick and choose of course. I won’t throw a challenge just because my gut says not to. But in a case like someone confronting me about coins or something, who knows what I’ll say? Maybe I’ll tell the truth just because my gut instinct says to lie. Or maybe I’ll try to convince the person confronting me that they were really the culprit all along. I have no clue, but it should make for some fun times; and, ideally, a surprising dose of success!
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By Garrett
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Well, I really wanted that public idol but maybe this is a blessing in disguise! Honestly, I feel like I'm playing pretty well so far :D I've made good in-roads with most people, and so long as I don't do anything crazy I think there are definitely a few people who are going to go before I do. It's like Tony in Winners at War (if Tony had all of the bumbling idiot and none of the strategy). I've got to keep myself busy so I don't go crazy. Maybe instead of building a ladder I'll draw fan art for the tribe... hmm... that's not a bad idea actually.

Also, my Costanza plan is already a success, because as soon as Liz left the tribe my gut told me instantly to send her coins with the message "send half of these back with a copy-and-paste of our tribe's dossiers and you can keep the rest", but then I said "no - my gut is always wrong" and I didn't do it. Sure enough, that could have blown up my game! So I think I just need to keep listening to the opposite of all of my schemes, and hopefully I'll last longer than I ever have before!

Also, let me give you a quick rundown of my tribe from worst to first since I know y'all love those:
11. Eddie: what does the Fox say? Nothing as of yet.
10. Stephanie: I always look at her as "well, she hates everyone, but does she hate me less than everyone else", and that's a terrible way to build a bond.
9. Wardog: he seems way too similar to me for my own good, I can't be trusting Garrett.
8. Missy: I trust her, but then again I'm not going to die on a sword for her. But I really do hope she finds her footing since she showed so much promise entertainment-wise in Tanzania!
7. Stephannie: people say she's crazy. I don't see it. But there's always a calm before the storm, and I'll make sure to see this storm coming.
6. Jessica: we've agreed to forget about our colored history and work together, but idk, she would turn on me in a heartbeat. I need to be wary, that's all.
5. Aurora: same thing. She says she's working with me now but I've screwed her twice before, and as much as I love Stranded revenge, I'd hate to be on the receiving end of it .
4. Rocker: This dude seems cool. My gut says not to tell him anything about previous players, but I'm ignoring that and giving him some info. I've given some, and now I think he'll give trust in return.
3. Jed: Everyone likes him, including me. So naturally I'd like to see him go. But in the meantime he'll be loyal, so let's keep him around for a bit.
2. Hannah: I don't see Hannah turning on me at this point in time. Post-merge? Definitely. But who cares about post-merge on night one? I mean, I'm 99% not making post-merge; I don't think about post-merge.
1. Tai: Such a pleasant surprise. As everyone knows, us Socotrans run deep. We've all got blood pacts with each other, and Tai would turn on a bus full of babies before he turns on me. :hattip:

So that's it for day one. It's a slow start but I need to keep things that way. As soon as I lose my cool I am done-zo. And something tells me that will happen sooner than I'd like...


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