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Episode 00: Pre- Season Confessional - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 17th Place - Voted Out 5-3 --
Welcome to your confessional, Jed!

We are excited to have you back for season 38, and can't wait to see you take full advantage of this second chance. A few questions as we begin:

1-For the viewers who don't know you, give us a brief rundown of who you are and why you decided to come back for a second season!

2-What are you most looking forward to this season? What are you least looking forward to?

3-What is your game plan for this season, given the cast and given the twist of the season?

Below you will find a practice image tag puzzle. feel free to use it as practice before the season begins. Good luck! We're rooting for you!


You will need to reply to this thread ahead of the season and sign the rules in order to avoid being replaced.

Danni Boatwright

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By Jed
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1-For the viewers who don't know you, give us a brief rundown of who you are and why you decided to come back for a second season!

A: My name Jed...AKA Brian from Isolated. I'm back here because I managed to pester Poody enough to finally do a Second Chances season.

But really, I think I'm here because my Morocco story was pretty interesting, if I do say so myself. I went down in tragic and dramatic fashion. I was in a 3 way alliance with Robb and Steph. They liked me, but didn't like each other. Robb goes for Steph and tells me at the last minute, I tell Steph to play her idol which then results in me being the one voted out, even though Robb flipped back over on the 2nd vote. I was doing pretty well up until that point, but alas, I was done.

But here and now, I'm back to do whatever it takes to make it as far as I can. Fuck everyone who isn't me. :bird:

2-What are you most looking forward to this season? What are you least looking forward to?

A: I'm looking forward to just playing in the best ORG there is. I'm just excited to be playing a real fucking game again and none of this Rematch bullshit with the pre-game alliances. New game, clean slate. I want to hurt some feelings and get into some shit.

3-What is your game plan for this season, given the cast and given the twist of the season?

A: Well the game plan always starts off with finding people you can trust. Only been an hour here but out of the people I didn't already know, I'm getting along well with Elizabeth and I'd like to keep up my streak of teaming up with the season's #1 Villainess, so I'll do my best to stoke the fires there.

I'm wary of Hannah because I know she keeps things close to the vest, but I hope she believes me when I say that I'm willing to drop Steph...And I am. I know part of the fun here is watching what happens with Steph and I, so I'll put it on the record her that she's a good friend of mine and always will be (even though she's a fucking dumbass), but I'm here to play the game and I always do worse when I play with her. Simple as that. If others want her around, cool she can stay. If others want her gone, no problem lets give her the boot.


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By Jed
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All their avatars are newbies that played in a FVF season...except for Brandon Hantz, who also has 29 posts 3 hours into this game. Hmmmmm.


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