- Mon Feb 01, 2021 3:25:44 am
Looking at it a little further out my notes would be:
1) Obviously don't go sledding. I figured people missing out Thurs/Fri was enough. But hey, if you all want to know that I suffered for my decision I did get caught in a two hour traffic jam and I fucked my knees up slipping on ice.
2) Sorry I wasn't an engaging with these. Going through some other confessionals I noticed I was pretty behind on how I was supposed to invest/interact with these. I didn't have a lot going on yet though, was still trying to just figure it out. I did not mean for this to be the case.
3) I fell into thinking everyone was too nervous to say a name. I know I was and I guess I projected that onto the cast. If I had a dollar for every bumble match I let dwindle to noting because I was too uncertain to ask for a date I'd be a rich man. I didn't have a good idea of who to target, and missed that pivotal time where people swapped from chatting to strategy.
4) Glad my suspicion that Shamar was fake with me was right? I might have the wrong take but looking at everything he mentioned me before I alluded to Liz so I obviously made it worse but I'm not sure that was working anyway. Dude told me Deadman Wonderland was his anime recommendation, an anime only enjoyed by people whose anime taste is exclusively 2010's Adult Swim. My brother was in the room with me during that chat, I told him, and we both just kinda went "really?". But hey man, respect.
5) I wasn't trying to target Liz, I was mentioning she had an idol and since no one was giving names she might be spooked into using it. I figured she'd either be a target or people would flock to her. Brandon alluded to working with her by telling her she was targeted as soon as she jumped in but that seemed too quick. Though even if he approached me with that idea Friday or Saturday I would have been against it -- hilariously because I figured it increased by chance of getting targeted.
6) I gave coins to Michael, Matt, Alexis, and Brandon. They were all cool. Alexis was upfront with me and I respect that, same reason I gave her the coins from the reward. I think Brandon was trying to warn me earlier but I wasn't online to catch it. I genuinely believe Michael and Matt didn't want me to go (yet). I gave Hope a coin since I only voted her since I was told she was a name that had appetite. Though to be fair Hope was my gun-to-head target on Thursday since cats are evil and if I have to gun for someone it's the person willing to share pictures of their pets.
7) Michael was right, Nailed It! is a great show.
8) I thought Liz would either be ostracized or become the leader, but I just wasn't in the right mind to address that at the time. That's 100% on me, I could have put more effort into bonding with her instead of looking at her message, not thinking of a good reply, and then switching to someone else. I did not want to openly work against her since if she played the idol I could be a name.
9) Obviously I should have asked people how they felt about other people, maybe if the people who I was building better bonds knew I had bonds built with other people it could have been easier to stay out of the initial target (especially since it looks like they were all independently tight). A genuine fear I had entering this was not knowing how to read into social dynamics through chat rooms. Well, I confirmed that so that's cool.
10) Since everyone was playing dumb about the existence of alliances (guys she sent the wrong message in the chat menu there is no way that was meant to be a personal chat I'm not that dumb but sure whatever if pretending you're right can let us move past this then okay alliances are fake) it was pretty clear that I was behind. I didn't want to make a group chat because anyone in it would just say "yeah sure we'll save you" and I knew that I could get a little bit better of an answer in one-on-ones and the only way they'd follow through with it is if they confirmed it with each other. Alexis was right that I was tilting at windmills, but hey, trying to fight was more fun than finishing my work report.
So basically...
Be better. Be decisive. Sledding is great fuck you I'll go whenever I want.
It's been fun.