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Episode 02: It's Like a Soup Opera! - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 7-1 --
By Danni Boatwright
icon_chaos A SWAP icon_chaos

Only 3 days in and it's time to shake things up! You survived our first vote and have a brand new tribe to get to know before our first immunity challenge.

1-Talk to us about your swap tribe. Who are you excited to see? Who were you upset to lose?

2-Talk us through tribal tonight. What was your ultimate reason for your vote?

3-Now that the tribes are mixed, are you planning on staying strong with your original tribe? or do you think it's time for you to find new allies?

4-What are your thoughts on the partner twist? How do you plan to utilize your cross tribal communication?

Good Luck! It only gets harder from here!

Danni Boatwright

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By Shamar
1. Well! That swap certainly came out of nowhere but im excited that it did. I feel like I built myself up enough as this happy go lucky, "hes such a sweet guy" type of person to the majority on my first tribe and I think those bonds, or at least some of them, will stick if I end up with any of them again. Well obviously im excited to see that not only did most of my alliance end up on this tribe, but most of my initial tribe in general ended up here so that works perfectly as well! Other than that, I was extremely excited to see Hannah on this tribe, mainly because of my undying love of the real life Hannah Shapiro, but no I was glad to have some new faces around to talk to and get to know.......and so they can used as cannon fodder in the event of a loss. They all seem like great people though!

2. My ultimate reason for the vote was simple. I need non males in this game I can work with. Tribe wanted Hope out, I didnt, did what I had to do to get it back on Erik. Erik left. We actually got two male players for the price of one round so thats also pretty damn clutch.

3. I feel like as of now I will be staying close to my alliance and initial tribe, but if things start getting fucky, Im open to talk. Its still early though so I dont think anyone should be making "big moves" or anything like that. Also I kind of shit on the idea of "big moves", thats gamebot talk and I am not a gamebot. I dont "crunch the numbers" or "go over variables". I just play the social game, make the moves that I need to make, get people to go along with my ideas, lie, stay loyal, etc.

4. I am not the biggest fan of the partner twist. Like three seconds into talking to Wardog(who seems chill) hes already alluding to going to the final 2. Yeah thats not gonna happen man. If we made a connection, id be open........but people that come to me and immediately talk strategy freak me out, and have to go. I know if we are the last couple in the game, we get idols.........but a more intriguing idea would be limiting the amount of idols in the game in general. What that means for right now, I dont really know but Ill have to "crunch the numbers" and figure it out(SEE WHAT I DID THERE! I DID THE THING!!!).


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By Shamar
You know whats a fun game to play(Ive been playing it since the game started). Take a drink everytime you have to repeat a simple life fact to a person "trying to get to know you" in the game. Example: This is now the third time that Tai has assumed I was in college even though Ive mentioned it twice before that I am long out of college. I know not everyone has the best memory and all that but like.......I could name an interesting or fun fact about virtually everyone ive talked to in the game so far. I think thats why people(I think) find me so genuine, because it actually seems like im listening.........which I am, im just sayin.


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By Shamar
Well me and Wardog have in fact started bonding today, seems like both of us have crushes on nerdy/awkward/etc survivor players(he likes Donathan, Im in love with Hannah). I think me and him could do well. Still dont know if I want him around for the long haul, but he definitely gives off great vibes and I think if we can keep bonding, he may move up in my player rankings. Also, just in case you all havent noticed at this point, I will always find a way to mention the real life Hannah Shapiro on here if I can. Thats all for now, STAY TUNED!


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By Shamar
Absolutely! How could they not? This is their second chance and from everything ive heard, they were playing very hard from the very beginning. The more of the vets that go, the better a "fan" has at winning this game. Like Wardog is cool and all, but he has literally already pinpointed the fact that im playing the role of "aww shucks" and that I should keep it up. If he has figured that out that fast, its not long for the other returners to catch on as well. So they have to go before they can start playing their own games.


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By Shamar
So I think I love Alexis(within game!). We just bond so well and really get each other. Shes the only person ive been like my entire self with so far(besides maybe Elizabeth). I have told her about my "if I cant win, I want a woman" plan and it seems like she is on board which is great! Now its time to get to this challenge and see what new things will be thrown at me but ill tell yall right now, as of now(and probably the rest of the game), Alexis is absolutely my Number 1. Lets just hope she sees me as the same. STAY TUNED!


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By Shamar
Well thankfully my tribe saved my ass in that challenge. I definitely shit the bed but we were able to pull it out in the end! Special shoutout to Hannah and Alexis for coaching me through it. Now to the nitty gritty. Right now my original tribe members wanna take out Hannah first. Now if this were the real Hannah, I would never be down............BUT I am actually alright with a Hannah vote out right now(despite her being such an amazing help in the challenge and being a great conversation haver? Just go with it) in the event we go to tribal before another swap. Maybe thatll change. Guess yall will just have to #StayTuned!


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