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Meet Your New Partner! - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Jeff Probst
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So here's how this twist will work. The two of you can speak to each other throughout the season whether you're on the same tribe or not. That includes in IMs/PMs and here. You can choose whether or not to keep your partnership a secret, it is totally up to you.

The last remaining partnership in the game through the FINAL 5 will receive 1 Immunity Necklace each that they can play through the final 5. (This must be played at the start of Tribal Council). This will be a huge deal in the latter portion of this game.

There will be plenty of chances for you to work together and it will be beneficial to your advancement if you do. That's all I can give you for now.

Good luck, and play hard!

Jeff Probst

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By Rocker
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"sail through the waters on a grandiose boat, look to the heavens to escape the vote"


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  • Posts: 457
  •  Location: 123 kiss my ass street, USA
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By Rocker
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sorry to see you go brandon. better luck next time. THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP
Dean liked this


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  • Posts: 457
  •  Location: 123 kiss my ass street, USA
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