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Episode 06 - I'm Going to Vomit If This Plan Goes Through - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 17th Place - Voted Out 5-3 --
Congratulations! You've made it to the Final 18 and the second swap!

You're probably busy socializing with your new tribemates, but when you get a chance, answer these questions! Or don't!

1. So yeah, we swapped tribes. Who are you excited to see? Who do you hate to see?

2. At this point, there are nine new players in the game and nine returnees, and even split. Do you see the game as returnee vs. newbie or have the lines blurred?

3. Do the partnerships play a role in your voting strategy, at this point? Are you trying to split up partnerships, leverage them for votes, or not really thinking about it?

Joaquin Souberbielle

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I'll answer the questions tomorrow, but I just want to say that voting out Steph was rough...I hope she comes around and stops hating me for it, but I understand if she doesn't, because we've been friends for 2 years now and I played a part in taking this experience away from her when I could have stopped it. I didn't coordinate the plans but I did plant the seeds. I don't have a lot of clear thoughts on it all right now...but yeah, it sucks, and I'm sorry.
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1. So yeah, we swapped tribes. Who are you excited to see? Who do you hate to see?

A: Really only "excited" to see Liz, as that should go a long way to keep me safe. Liz is kinda running shit right now and I don't have a single issue with that, and within our little threesome (Liz/Jess/Me) I've now had the chance to be with just the one of them, with neither of them being able to be together without me, so that gives me the chance to wedge myself in there and keep them from freezing me out.

Overall I'm not upset about the new tribe at all, even though we're down 5-4 in the Vet/Newbie divide, I think that the game has moved past that dynamic now, especially after we voted out Steph. Right now we're working on getting together an alliance of Myself/Liz/Sherri/Matt/Reynold, so hopefully that can carry the day for us and keep us chugging along and in power.

2. At this point, there are nine new players in the game and nine returnees, and even split. Do you see the game as returnee vs. newbie or have the lines blurred?

A: I think your little partner twist along with all the swaps has done it's job and prevented this from being straight up Pros vs. Joes, but with that being said I myself haven't worked closely with a newbie and I'm gonna have to change that very soon, seeing as Liz wants us to work with Matt/Sherri.

3. Do the partnerships play a role in your voting strategy, at this point? Are you trying to split up partnerships, leverage them for votes, or not really thinking about it?

A: I'm not thinking of them much beyond seeing them as automatic allies...I'm not gonna fret about something that won't make a big game changing difference until the F5 because that's just a distant dream right now.

4. One more question for you! Your partner is on the same tribe as you now. Do you think this benefits or hurts your game?

A: Benefits! As said above, he should be an automatic ally especially since it appears that he's been treading water this whole game. This is a numbers game so I'll take those numbers any way I can, and I see myself and Reynold getting along and working well together.


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Jed wrote: Fri Feb 05, 2021 4:24:14 pm Also can a host tell me whether I'm allowed to talk to Steph on Discord or not? Because I have a mess to clean up.
You cannot contact players out of the game about the game. If you're talking about the weather...sure. If it ventures into game territory, big no-no. If you need us to step in, let us know.

Joaquin Souberbielle

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Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Fri Feb 05, 2021 6:00:36 pm
Jed wrote: Fri Feb 05, 2021 4:24:14 pm Also can a host tell me whether I'm allowed to talk to Steph on Discord or not? Because I have a mess to clean up.
You cannot contact players out of the game about the game. If you're talking about the weather...sure. If it ventures into game territory, big no-no. If you need us to step in, let us know.
Got it, chief. And no, so far it hasn't gone past 'fuck you I hate you you piece of shit' so it's fine. :thumbsup:


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