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Episode 06 - I'm Going to Vomit If This Plan Goes Through - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 9th Place - 6th Juror - Voted Out 6-1-1 --
Congratulations! You've made it to the Final 18 and the second swap!

You're probably busy socializing with your new tribemates, but when you get a chance, answer these questions! Or don't!

1. So yeah, we swapped tribes. Who are you excited to see? Who do you hate to see?

2. At this point, there are nine new players in the game and nine returnees, and even split. Do you see the game as returnee vs. newbie or have the lines blurred?

3. Do the partnerships play a role in your voting strategy, at this point? Are you trying to split up partnerships, leverage them for votes, or not really thinking about it?

Joaquin Souberbielle

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Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:17:34 pm Congratulations! You've made it to the Final 18 and the second swap!

You're probably busy socializing with your new tribemates, but when you get a chance, answer these questions! Or don't!

1. So yeah, we swapped tribes. Who are you excited to see? Who do you hate to see?

2. At this point, there are nine new players in the game and nine returnees, and even split. Do you see the game as returnee vs. newbie or have the lines blurred?

3. Do the partnerships play a role in your voting strategy, at this point? Are you trying to split up partnerships, leverage them for votes, or not really thinking about it?

Alright, check out the latest video. I'm on a roll. Hell, Jeff said he liked my editing so maybe you'll get bonus content tomorrow...

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Loveita Adams wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:08:48 pm One more question for you! Your partner is on the opposite tribe again. Do you think this benefits or hurts your game?
Well, hello, beautiful...


I think that Allie being on the opposite tribe is great for me. I love that I have Jessica here but a direct communication across tribal lines. Feels like the best of both worlds. I hope I can exploit that through the next round of tribals...
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