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Episode 07 - Alexa, Play "Obsessed" by Mariah Carey - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 10th Place - 5th Juror - Voted Out 6-2-1 --
One player down, 17 remain!

1. On Thursday, we had a tribe swap and then a long weekend. Who did you spend the weekend bonding with? Is there anyone you feel much closer to than before?

2. At surface level, Te Poto dominated the last challenge, time-wise. Does challenge strength way into the way you would vote, going forward? How have you approached challenges this season?

3. A new idol was hidden at your tribe camp. Have you decided to hunt for it? If so, where have you been looking?

Joaquin Souberbielle

  • Host
  • Posts: 162
  • Awards: Custom Custom Custom Custom Custom Group Custom Custom Custom Custom
1. On Thursday, we had a tribe swap and then a long weekend. Who did you spend the weekend bonding with? Is there anyone you feel much closer to than before?
No one. No.

2. At surface level, Te Poto dominated the last challenge, time-wise. Does challenge strength way into the way you would vote, going forward? How have you approached challenges this season?
Way? No.
I approach them like shit.

3. A new idol was hidden at your tribe camp. Have you decided to hunt for it? If so, where have you been looking?


  • Jury
  • Posts: 950
  • Awards: Group Posts
I’m gonna take a step back. Let everyone else decide. I don’t know if I have the energy to give it my all another challenge/tribal. Been to so many I’m drained. I don’t even know why I’m here lol

Also, can anyone confirm if I can transfer my idol prior to being voted out? What’s the deadline?


  • Jury
  • Posts: 950
  • Awards: Posts Group