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Episode 09: A Satanic Game of Telephone! - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 13th Place - 2nd Juror - Voted Out 9-2-1-1 --
Good Morning! A few quick questions for you to start your day!

1-We're down to 15 players. Which of the 15 are your biggest competition moving forward? Are you planning on working with them, or do they need to be cut sooner rather than later?

2-Of the 15, who are you least threatened by and why?

3-The last few nights there has been an option to make yourself immune if you're willing to pay for it. If that option is available again, do you think you need to take it?

4-All 3 idol clues are now available to you for the tribe beach. Have you been searching? or are the idol clues not worth your coins?

Danni Boatwright

  • Host
  • Posts: 407
  • Awards: Custom Posts Custom Custom Group Custom Custom Custom Custom Custom
By Tai
Custom Posts Group
1-We're down to 15 players. Which of the 15 are your biggest competition moving forward? Are you planning on working with them, or do they need to be cut sooner rather than later?

My biggest competition, I believe are Stephannie, Matt, Michael, and Jessica. I only know for sure I want to work with Stephannie. Jess needs to be cut, I know now I was stupid to even try to trust her.

2-Of the 15, who are you least threatened by and why?

Honestly, I am least threatened by Shamar because he seems like he's here for fun.

3-The last few nights there has been an option to make yourself immune if you're willing to pay for it. If that option is available again, do you think you need to take it?

Yes and Yes!

4-All 3 idol clues are now available to you for the tribe beach. Have you been searching? or are the idol clues not worth your coins?


  • Jury
  • Posts: 201
  • Awards: Custom Posts Group