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Welcome our 4th Juror, Rocker!! - Page 2 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Allie
Aurora I don't know what she is doing to be honest. She's trimming her own numbers. Unless she's forced to do that because of Michael, but anyways... her cutting me when I planned to take her far into the game, that's kind of awkward. I talked a lot of game with her and she even is the one who got me in touch with Jessica.

I know Aurora doesn't trust Michael, or so she said. She sees him as a strategic player, and she's said that from the start on day 4. How is she going to take him out now? I hope she realizes all the numbers he has... If she just let go her numbers and give the game away to him, I don't know if I can support that as a juror... She's gonna have some explaining to do.

I hope Jessica and Liz don't get screwed over this!

And outside my allies, I also root for Sherri and Hope,

Sherri because she kinda has to rebuild her name and she knows she's not in a good position for playing two idols already. So if she can make it to the end, I should be proud of her. And Hope because she's clearly underestimated, although she'll have to come up with some thoughts.
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By Rocker
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Tai wrote: Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:50:44 pm Who did you think were your closest allies?

Because from my viewpoint, you were on the bottom of the totem pole for most.
I thought I was in with Alexis/Michael/Shamar to the end
Also with Aurora/Jess/Liz

Kind of surprised I was voted out before 8 or 9. I thought those groups together taking out Matt/Sherri/Tai etc, would be easy. clearly so wrong. I told Hope a lot of what I was actually thinking at times. dumb

Hope was always the "well she could be completely screwing me" piece in that
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By Allie
I don't think Michael would vote out Matt and Sherri before you, Shamar, myself, or whoever else. I think he works with them too, or he has worked with them before. So Sherri and Matt might stay for a while.


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By Tai
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Definitely think Matt and Michael are pretty tight since the first swap.

Going back though Rocker, I wanted to work with you for sure because I knew you were on the bottom, but could not shake the paranoia that you were super close with Jess, but I definitely agree with Allie's speculation on Michael.


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By Rocker
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As I understand Day 1 pink team 1, Liz, Alexis, Shamar, Michael, Sherri, MAtt had an alliance. Liz got swapped out, Reynold easy swap in on pink team 2.

Alexis (and I thought all) were pissed when Sherri and Matt flipped so easy. At this point I figured they would want me more than anyone, I kind of saved their bacon in the Missy vote? (@Tai what happened in that vote? Other than Hope told you & everyone what I said to her)

I knew I wasn't Michael's best option long term either. And I had messily doubted him (and Aurora. and Jess) at one point. I just thought _________
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By Rocker
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Before we swapped from green team 2 alexis/me./shamar had a deal...I pm'ed both them ALL the info I knew and said I am with you 2 no matter what

Shamar never really reciprocated any information very well, idk what he was doing. Didnt seem to be on the right planet since the 2nd swap. It kind of just turned into me/alexis. Until today I just thought Shamar would sheep through with us. I thought they had Michael by the balls a bit, too. (Though I didnt underestimate his game ability)


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By Tai
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Actually, LOL I was being honest when I said, I thought the vets were all gonna be together to try and boot Alexis. I thought Hope was my number 1 on second swap and she did tell me a lot about what you guys talked about though. Which is why I kept my vote the same, but they were not whispering to us at all Rocker lol. I thought Jess brought up Missy with you, you said.
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By Rocker
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Allie I agree, 100p goat. At least I thought. I wasn't ever voting him out. One of the last bits Alexis got to me tonight was that Shamar actually spearheaded tonight though. Make of that what you will
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By Tai
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Wait so your comment at my tribal, lol what was that about? I was speculating that Jess/Liz/Steph/Jed/Hannah had a thing because we voted in minority


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By Rocker
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Tai wrote: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:09:45 pm Actually, LOL I was being honest when I said, I thought the vets were all gonna be together to try and boot Alexis. I thought Hope was my number 1 on second swap and she did tell me a lot about what you guys talked about though. Which is why I kept my vote the same, but they were not whispering to us at all Rocker lol. I thought Jess brought up Missy with you, you said.
lol they were just confused? Missy did/didnt have that idol?


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By Rocker
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Wait so WTF Shamar I stood up and saved his ass at the Missy vote. Jess came to me and said "all the vets want to go Alexis". I said no way. She says "will you vote Shamar to save Alexis?". I say sure. I vote Missy with the new players. Missy goes home. Shamar spearheads my voteout???

come on man
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By Tai
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Were these all just lucky guesses for your votes? Because I became really skeptical with Shamar when he began voting correctly a lot of the times, definitely underestimated him.
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