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Day 21 - Tribal Council #13 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Jeff Probst
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Welcome Rangiroa,

Let's bring in the latest members of the jury... Reynold, Tai, Allie, and Rocker, voted out at the last Tribal Council. You are reminded that you are not allowed to address the jury, but they may react here by posting emojis or liking posts.

First thing's first, Stephannie... You won Individual Immunity again. You have 5 minutes to give it away if you so choose.

Votes will be due at 9:20:00c.

Jeff Probst

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By Shamar
Oh I know whats happening Jeff Probst, Host of Survivor, It sucks, but I know whats happening. Its like you have this big idea in your head of how you want the game to go. You build trust with people and everything and everything is going well, and then they start turning on each other when there are clear other targets left in the game. It just sucks Probst. It really does.
Matt, Michael, Elizabeth liked this


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By Jessica
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Jeff Probst wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 9:06:34 pm Jessica, how would you describe tonight's vote, and don't give me a fluffy non-answer please.
Tonight's vote may be the hardest of the season Jeff. But at the same time, this is an individual game and you have to watch out for you, because no one else will. Is that direct enough for you?


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By Sherri
Jeff Probst wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 9:05:39 pm Sherri, you played another idol last council... any tricks up your sleeves tonight?
Unfortunately my jewellery collection has run dry, Jeff. The only tricks left up my sleeve are how much of a surprise catch I am. For all those romantic gentlemen out there, I love long walks on the beach, big dicks and fried chicken. Hit me up. :kiss:


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By Alexis
Jeff Probst wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 9:08:45 pm Alexis, we're at final 10, very close to the finals... what do you think the winner of the season needs to prove to the jury?
This is definitely going to vary from juror to juror, but I personally think someone needs to prove whether they were in control of their own game and own up to all of the decisions they made, as well as showing some loyalty and being a good sport.
Allie, Rocker, Elizabeth and 1 others liked this


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