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Episode 14: Thanks to All My Fallen Soldiers! - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 7-1 --
I guess I'm asking confessional questions today. Congrats on single digits! For some of you this is a real accomplishment. For others, you're only here because someone wants to be sitting at the end with you. Which category do you fall into? ONLY TIME WILL TELL!

1-Last night Jeff talked about the Scooby Doo reveal, a classic Stranded tribal council question that boils down to "perception is reality" or "If players don't know you're playing hard right now, they wont think so when you claim it at final tribal." Who in the game do you think is currently banking on pulling a Scooby Doo and revealing they were the mastermind all along? Do you think you fall into this category?

2-We're in the single digits! Who left would you consider a big target? Who do you think is a slam dunk to beat at a final tribal? How do you think the other players are ranking you in this question?

3-What is your endgame strategy? Are you planning to keep big targets around? or are you planning on dragging someone useless across the finish line with you?

4-The Jury bench is filling up quickly. Walk me through each juror and how you think they perceive you and your game. Do you think they'd vote for you right now? if not, what could you do to change that before the F3?

Keep up the good work! The finale will be here before you know it!

Danni Boatwright

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By Shamar
1. Honestly, I think that up until merge I was very much playing the Scooby Doo villain role. I was more than happy to plant seeds and go along with plans during the early part of the game, while relying on my social relationships. If anyone thinks that I have not been playing hard since the merge though, they can question me as much as they want at final tribal. Ill own up to it all and I will fight. Even small things like not voting for Sherri or Liz last night I feel have helped my game more than it hurt it. I made sure Sherri had the numbers and confirmed with her. I "warned" Liz and Alexis what was happening. All in the name of jury management. I want everyone that has trusted me through the game to keep that mentality going into final tribal. Lets just hope ole Shamar is sitting there. Right now I feel like Aurora and Hope are pilling the scooby doo strategy and I do not fault them for it at all. Do what you need to do to get to the end. You never know who the jury will vote for until you state your case!

2. I would say that Mike and Jess now have big old targets on their backs. I have made it well known at this point that I want Jess gone, but amazingly I feel like I would be able to work with her for a couple rounds coming up. After the two of them, I honestly think Me, Alexis and Sherri are all the next big targets. We will see how that goes. I think people are probably still ranking me middle of the road which is still good for me at this point.

3. My endgame strategy has changed just a little. With Liz gone, I can no longer have her as a shield, and it also ruins my ideal final 6. Having said that, I think I can bring Hope in to replace Liz in that situation. If all goes well, I think we can continue to stay the course and remove any targets that might be in our way. I dont believe in dragging people to the end. If Im gonna go to the end, I want it to be with Alexis. I said I would do it, and until one of us is gone, im sticking with that.

4. Reynold: I would say her perceives me as a social person that everyone enjoys that is just going along with the flow. Maybe other people will explain to him that wasnt the case. Tai: Tai is in the same boat. I think me and him bonded very well and I think he understands it was nothing personal with taking him out. I think he believes it was someone elses idea so I will have to contemplate if I wanna own up to that when the time comes, more than likely I will though. Allie: Once again I think she will see me as a social player, but nothing more than that. I think she knows I was the one that came up with the Tai vote. Rocker: Rocker and I bonded over wrestling shit which is awesome. Im sure he knows by now I was the one that led the charge on him, but im hoping Liz can explain to him my rationale until I can defend it at the final. Liz: I really did want to go far with Liz, but when I knew her head was on the chopping block I also understood that was a big threat being taken out. The fact that she knows I didnt vote with her at last tribal and still bequeathed me with her coins shows that those social bonds we made throughout the game really carried over after she had been voted out. I know it ultimately depends on who Im sitting at the end with, but I would say as of right now, I have 3 of the 5 jury votes at the moment.


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