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#FUCKROCKER - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Rocker
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It’s only day 2 in Ponderosa and we’re gettin’ weird. RIP Liz but she’s taking her game aggression out on me. I don’t mind being a glutton of punishment and overall whipping boy. Three decades of terrible older sisters have prepared me for anything. I’ll be good with Liz no worries, if I’m not already. As I understand, her game was pretty sunk long before the merge. We did work together for a few votes, and I was expecting a few more. It’s not like she wasn’t a viable option, there was no hard extricate Liz plan in motion. You could probably move it around so Liz stayed long term and Jess had to go sooner. That’s all irrelevant now though, we both got PLAYED one way or another.

Reynold seems to think I didn’t even deserve a merge spot. That’s cool man. If green team had gone to more tribals it would have just been Tai going, or maybe Aurora unfortunately. Voting out Hope was never really seen as an option on that tribe, I can’t speak for everyone but I was just thinking greedy trying to gather in Hope as my own working piece. For what it’s worth, Reynold seemed to be the least deserving player out there from my perspective. Talk about not doing shit right??? I struggled socially with some, and was sort of browbeaten away from strategy talks with others. But Reynold had nothing to say to me on pink team 2 at all. Or during the merge. At least my failings with Sherri and Matt I can put squarely on my own shoulders. Reynold gave me nothing. I wonder if he knows about the secret cross tribal Rocker/Missy/Matt/Wardog alliance. Missy was doing A LOT but I was a GO with Missy on that plan, until I wasn’t. The players I actually wanted to go with were Team Liz. We should probably take all our frustration out on that dickhead, Rocker though. Seems fair.

Allie has been a pleasure thus far. Every Allie analysis post leaves me thinking differently or more creatively. There’s infinite amount of room to grow as a player in this, although idk how interested I’d ever be in trying to get to know 2 dozen people at the same time again. Tai is fine/cool. Still always like Tai, but our experiences differ greatly. Tai why were you so concerned with me being close with Jess? The only people I told I had a secret good thing with Jess were Aurora, Alexis and Shamar. After the Missy vote I blew up and told the whole backstory to others (Michael, Hope, Liz maybe more. A LOT more with ‘Rora too). But it seems like Tai was assuming Jess and I were together when there shouldn’t have been much hard evidence there. I wonder if Shamar had been screwin’ me from literally the night I formally proposed an alliance with him.
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  • Jury
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By Elizabeth
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Ok but that’s your perspective lol You played a scattered game. You deliberately came for mine and fucked us both. I agree about Reynold. Great guy but least knowledgeable in game and not many connections.
My game however was not completely over until you made it that way. I played hard to position myself. I was in a better spot than you and you didn’t like that. So fuck off with your piss poor excuses and completely wrong view on the game. You’ve been wrong all along.
Missy and I were working together. I was suppose to know about the Jed vote but Matt and Sherri decided to not tell me. Missy left me her coins.
Who you say you were with, means nothing. Cause I was with the same people.
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By Elizabeth
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This is a #FUCKROCKER MEME THREAD. Not a place for you to further explain how stupid you are.


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By Elizabeth
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PLOT TWIST. Reynold’s my stranded hubby. You better not be using me for the copious amount of weed I have stocked up. :rofl:
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By Reynold
Okay you're really more retarded than I thought tbh. I was going just going to let it go bc I've been in a good mood but to call me the least deserving, lol, your perspective of this game is distorted. You aren't shit, you weren't shit in the game, you were always a target and at the very bottom of the totem pole. You didn't play well, you had no true/loyal allies, and I trusted my "team" to play the game without having to monitor them like children constantly. I knew they were going to say what they had to say, but your game could NEVER come close/outmatch mine. Your weak sauce and your game sucked.
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By Reynold
And how was I supposed to talk to you during the merge whenever I tried previously and you even said you didn't have time for me, sherri, or matt because you were "burnt out", you acted like a complete moron every time I tried to speak to you and really gave me nothing to work with. It's your own damn fault you got like 11th place and you weren't a threat at all. You should have kept your mouth shut and got 3rd place like you could have. But yet, your lack of strategy prevented you from making any viable moves in this game that you could say were specifically from yourself.
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By Rocker
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Shamar would be proud of this heat my promos generate
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  • Jury
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  •  Location: 123 kiss my ass street, USA
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