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Episode 15: Just Want to See a Good Fight to the End. - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 7-1 --
Congratulations, you have made the final 8!! You have outlasted 2/3 of this cast :oop: You started this game playing against players who had not made it as far as you have in their previous season, and here you are! You're entering the final week of the game, where legends are born, and games are destroyed. So let's get to it.

1. To move forward, we must look at the past. Reflecting on your season thus far, how has your experience been? What moves are you most proud of, are there any mistakes you've made? What are they? How would you like to be remembered when it's all said and done?

2. The dreaded slambook challenge. You know it well... I think the most can be learned from this challenge more than any other. Numbers was a pecking order, but this was the consensus... how you are perceived. Furthermore, you got to see what other people thought the most answers would be. You also saw who was the most out of touch and the most in tune with the tribe. The person who scored the least overall ended up going home... What did you learn about yourself in this challenge? What was the most surprising answer to you, and did you learn about where people stand based on their answers? Do you think the answers to this question will change the perceived threat level of others? IE: If someone was labeled the most threatening, does that label itself make it more true?

3. We spoke about threats vs. goats last week, and this week someone labeled a 'final 3 goat' in the challenge went home. The thing about goats is that everyone wants to sit with them in the final 3, but only 1 person can. The more threatening a player, generally, the more likely they are to go home. Which leaves all the "threats" sitting on the jury voting for the least threatening person sitting against two goats. Who do you see as a "goat" that might be taking up a final 3 spot that you could be sitting in? If you are the goat, what will you do between now and the final 3 to change that perception with the jury?

4. An explosive Tribal Council and also somewhat exposing Tribal Council. Did you learn anything new from the public fight and call-outs you didn't know going into Council? Talk me through your reactions as it happened. How did your reaction in-the-moment impact the jury's opinion of you, if at all? Is there a benefit to getting into public arguments at Council? A detriment?

5. One of the final opportunities to spend StrandedCoin arose in a Steal a Vote advantage, which Hope won. How does this impact your strategy as we advance? Are there new strategic options that could be gained from this advantage entering the game?

Finally, good luck!!! You are now in the end game and join a family of Stranded Alumni that are all watching and will look back on this season for years to come. Give it your all! The game started with 12 people looking for a second chance to right the wrongs they experienced last time. Don't leave with regrets; finish strong in your last week.


Jeff Probst

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1. My experience has been amazing in this game. Ive loved every second of it and Ive met some great people in the process. I am most proud of saving Hope at the beginning of the game, and recognizing Wardog was a schemer. Obviously Im proud of my moves to get out Rocker and Tai as well, but the Hope thing and the Wardog assumption will be the two things I look back on more fondly. I feel like my only BIG mistake in the game to this point was throwing my vote during the Liz vote out. If that comes back to bite me, its all on me, but if it works out for me........then its all on me as well. I would live to be remembered as the person that was able to settle into the "aww shucks" roll very nicely, rarely be a target premerge, and never a target post merge(so far), the guy who tried cheering people up when they were having real life shit, but also knew how to defend himself when he felt he was being slighted. I want to be remembered as someone who had a gameplan of how he wanted to play and although followed that game plan, was able to adjust when he needed to. I literally give speeches for a living and given the opportunity(if I make the finals), I will be pulling my best Todd and Chris impression and winning the jury over in the moment. That is how I want to be remembered.

2. I learned that I have a shit laptop and that I had to bullshit answers fast enough before my laptop crashed on me(crashed 5 times during the challenge). I wont say I purposely threw the challenge, but my laptop sure as hell did. Anyway, besides that I learned that some people still perceive me as a GOAT. Thats all fine and dandy with me right now. When I defend my game to the few naysayers that exist, they will just have to eat crow because theres no denying this: I have built a social relationship with everyone in this game, even going as far back as Erik. You people can have your idols, your challenge beasts and all that, but its a social game. What relationships have you built. Ive built the best damn relationships in this game and if the audience, production or other players cant see that, than yall are blind to it. Anyway to the last part of the question, I feel like everyone is fully understanding that Mike has to be the next target, idol and all

3. I think of everyone left in the game, Hope would be perceived as the goat. Shes putting in work right now which is awesome and maybe that will change. I also got labeled as a goat by some, but just read my rant above if you wanna know my opinion on that one. If I am in the fact the goat, I guess I will continue doing goat things like dropping names, knowing where all the votes are going, voting the right way, building bonds, you know.......things a "goat" does. God I hate that fucking word. Nice does not equal goat. I would just name all the "nice winners" who won on social game, but I dont wanna sound like a broken record at this point. FUCK A RESUME! Get to the end. Defend yourself. Let the jury decide.

4. I loved watching it happen. People were calling each other out and making targets out of them in the process. Probst trying to provoke me into going on a tirade was fun and I thought about taking the bait, but naw.....ill save it for when I actually need to do it. Oh production, do I love your games! Honestly, not meant to be sarcasm haha.

5. Well its down to Hope and Jess as the only two people left in the game that have voted against me. Amazingly we seem to be working together right now which is nice, maybe we could utilize Hopes advantage before its all said and done.

I will not be leaving with any regrets at all. Ive played this game hard and Ive played it I wanted to play. If people cant respect that(mainly people outside the game), they can kick rocks(excuse my french). STAY TUNED!!!
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Also rereading that, I can see that it may be taken as combative by me. Trust me, it wasnt meant to be. I have had to keep my emotions in check for most of this game which has been exhausting to say the least. As the game goes into its last week I keep having moments where I have my emotional moments, today just happened to be in confessional. I just want production and the people watching to know, I have enjoyed this entire ride, whether I finish 8th or 1st, I have appreciated the chance to play in this game and am so excited to become a member of this community. Lets pull this out, but if not........Ill see you all soon! ALSO ALSO........I CANNOT WAIT TO BE COACH "NAME REDACTED" AGAIN. Like Caramoan will never be the same again to me because I will always associate it to the the large majority of this cast, including myself. Man, what a mindfuck. Anyway, get back to your lives.


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Shamar wrote: Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:46:00 pm I have had to keep my emotions in check for most of this game which has been exhausting to say the least. As the game goes into its last week I keep having moments where I have my emotional moments, today just happened to be in confessional.
This confessional is your place to do whatever you want! Let all the emotions out! Confessional ranting is an (un)proven form of therapy!
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Loveita Adams

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Tonight Im going to try and make the ballsiest move in the game. Its gonna require a fuck ton of trust, people keeping their mouths shut, and Michael not winning immunity. Okay heres what I wanna do: I want to get rid of Mike without him playing his Idol. How do I wanna do this? Me, and two or three other people convince him we wanna vote with him tonight. As insurance im going to tell him if he feels something shady is happening, just play the idol and write my name down. What crazy person would tell someone to write their names down knowing full well that they could potentially be idoled out. Me, I am the crazy person. This is the ultimate high risk/high reward situation. If it works, Mike goes home, and if it dosent, I go out trying to *sigh* make a big move, something I have shit on for the most part of the game(despite making a few). So yeah, lets see how this one goes.


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