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Episode 16: STAY TUNED!!! - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Loveita Adams
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Wow, the final week began with a very quiet tribal tonight, AND a unanimous vote! Is the game as simple as it looks? Or is there more you want to clue us in on? icon_popcorn

1. Shamar and Aurora were both voted as the biggest goats left in the game, yet here they go, out back to back. Is this what you wanted for your game? Do you think you could have beaten either of them in the end? But, more importantly – now that they’re jurors – do you have their vote to win?

2. Final 7…are you thinking long term yet? Walk me through your path to F6…then 5…then 4…you get the idea. Or, why aren’t you thinking long term, and how will that help you…long term?

3. Here’s a short one. How do you win this game? I mean…that’s the goal here, right? And no, don’t be a smart ass, I know it’s by getting to the end and getting the most jury votes. Give me your personal version.

Good luck!!!!!! :kiss:

Loveita Adams

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By Matt
1. Shamar and Aurora were both voted as the biggest goats left in the game, yet here they go, out back to back. Is this what you wanted for your game? Do you think you could have beaten either of them in the end? But, more importantly – now that they’re jurors – do you have their vote to win?
I wanted this for my game because I wanted to titrate the threat list. Now that I'm more on the lower end of the threat list I don't see myself being targeted unless it gets messy with the idol information. I think I could've beaten them both at the end, but so could have everyone else, so it wasn't an advantage to have them in for me really. They also were both so unreliable and I wanted to play with people who I thought would actually help keep me around. I don't know if I have their votes to win.

2. Final 7…are you thinking long term yet? Walk me through your path to F6…then 5…then 4…you get the idea. Or, why aren’t you thinking long term, and how will that help you…long term?
Yes. I want me Hope Jessica Michael in f4. I'd like Alexis out now, Sherri out next, then Stephannie, then Michael. There are different players here with different agendas (for example Jessica wants Sherri in until f4, Michael probably has his own agenda) so we'll see what happens. I also think a lot of this can change relatively quickly so I'm not too set on it but I'd like Alexis Steph and Sherri out as next 3. I'd also like to accomplish that without blowing up my game with messiness with my idol lol.

3. Here’s a short one. How do you win this game? I mean…that’s the goal here, right? And no, don’t be a smart ass, I know it’s by getting to the end and getting the most jury votes. Give me your personal version.
I win the game by showing people my layers of protection and how I positioned myself to play with whoever was left in the game. I win the game by showing people how I had influence and how if we did 100 simulations of this game I probably would've won every time. I win the game by being honest with people about the control I had and didn't have in the game. I don't have a ton of moves on my resume right now (most moves are a team effort anyways, besides Alexis with Allie) but they may be coming. I don't have the ferocity of someone like Hope playing all sides even though I'm kind of playing most sides? In my own way? I'm okay with being someone who was earnest and thoughtful (overall...), made significant social connections, always had good information flow, and was MOR. I also feel like in past games I try to run the show and be the boss and play everyone and this time I may have overcorrected. I really edited myself to not be a huge villain but it may not have worked. We'll see soon.


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