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Day 26 - Tribal Council #16 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Jeff Probst
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Welcome Rangiroa,

Let's bring in the latest members of the jury... Reynold, Tai, Allie, Rocker, Elizabeth, Aurora, and Shamar, voted out at the last Tribal Council. You are reminded that you are not allowed to address the jury, but they may react here by posting emojis or liking posts.

First thing's first, Stephannie... You won Individual Immunity. You have 5 minutes to give it away if you so choose.

Votes will be due at 9:20:00c...
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By Sherri
Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:01:57 pm Sherri, at this late stage of the game, is there still room for surprises at Tribal Council or is everything set in stone?
Surprises are always possible, like an unwanted surprise party you've been thrown, but tonight should be set in stone.


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By Hope
Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:04:04 pm Hope, you still have your vote steal which is good for one more Tribal Council after tonight. Does that put you in a power position for tomorrow's council?
It certainly does give me an advantage, although I like to think I've been pretty upfront about my ability to blunder even with the simplest situations, this advantage could easily be of no use in my hands, it has to be played correctly.


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By Alexis
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:06:10 pm This question is for anyone who wants to answer it - the last two tribals have resulted in the boots of the two people voted "biggest goats" in the earlier challenge. What does this say about the tribe?
That we're not going to let anyone just coast to FTC? Though I don't think either of the people who were deemed "goats" would have coasted either. This has been a super competitive cast.
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By Hope
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:06:10 pm This question is for anyone who wants to answer it - the last two tribals have resulted in the boots of the two people voted "biggest goats" in the earlier challenge. What does this say about the tribe?
I would say that many saw them as players with guaranteed spots at the final tribal council. It's like everyone saw their names engraved in those wooden seats that are in front of the jury.
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By Michael
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:06:10 pm This question is for anyone who wants to answer it - the last two tribals have resulted in the boots of the two people voted "biggest goats" in the earlier challenge. What does this say about the tribe?
I think it says a lot about us. I think everyone views having two goats in a final three situation as inherently dangerous. Voting out the "goats" only leaves two more slots open for other players. It's risker, but also makes things much more competitive.
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By Matt
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:06:10 pm This question is for anyone who wants to answer it - the last two tribals have resulted in the boots of the two people voted "biggest goats" in the earlier challenge. What does this say about the tribe?
I think the tribe is thinking about who is at the bottom and at the top and trying to titrate their own position in that landscape.


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By Jeff Probst
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Michael, this is clearly a group of players shrewd enough to know that they had to get out goats to get to the end... question is now how do you keep in someone who is more likely to be voted out than you are and not lose to them in the end?

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By Jessica
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Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:06:29 pm Jessica, do you fit in well with this group?
I do think I fit well with these people. We have been playing together for almost a month. We talk on a daily basis and I feel like I know a good bit about the other remaining 6 player. This isn't an experience I got my last time out so I'm enjoying this part of the game.
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By Michael
Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:09:55 pm Michael, this is clearly a group of players shrewd enough to know that they had to get out goats to get to the end... question is now how do you keep in someone who is more likely to be voted out than you are and not lose to them in the end?
I think you need a bit of confidence and a bit of arrogance to be able to pull that off. I think we are all at the point where everyone is sizing up the other players and really trying to compare themselves to what we believe The Jury wants from us.
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