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The case for Matt - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Rocker
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Please use this thread to make the case Matt should win the game.

Alternatively, please list concerns or questions you would like answered. (Be it here by other jurors or at FTC)


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By Hope
right now i feel matt has sherri and steph locked around his fingers. i think it says a lot more about them and their stupidity over matt's skills though. he was an absolute terrible liar today, it was radio silence all day from him. although i certainly felt the blindside when my name was read outloud for the third time, i wasnt TOO shocked because literally, not exaggerating, COMPLETE RADIO SILENCE on his part. sherri's too.

I also want to say that if you, as a juror, want to vote for someone who at least respects you as a person then I do not suggest voting Matt because he had many off-color comments to say about almost all of you. the whole thing felt very russell hantz-y to me
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By Hope
Elizabeth wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:12:37 pm I felt like it was the opposite. Sherri running the show and he’s just an over confident lap dog.
i could see that as well! sherri was one of the only people in this game that i could not get a read on. it scared me she was still in the game because i just never knew where she stood. that's a dangerous skill to have, being unreadable
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By Alexis
Yeah I feel like Steph and Sherri were both very good deflectors lol.

And that is unsettling about Matt. Kinda creeps me out.
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By Hope
Hope wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:15:09 pm
Elizabeth wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:12:37 pm I felt like it was the opposite. Sherri running the show and he’s just an over confident lap dog.
i could see that as well! sherri was one of the only people in this game that i could not get a read on. it scared me she was still in the game because i just never knew where she stood. that's a dangerous skill to have, being unreadable
and BTW, to add onto this I thought this a lot about @Rocker ....felt like i could never read you!!! alexis had told me she trusted you a lot so i wanted to trust you. but i always had my suspicions because i just couldnt ever put a finger on what you ever were thinking.


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By Hope
I'll give positives about Matt.

Me and Matt clicked really well and always had great conversation. It really wasn't until these past few votes he started getting the attitude I was referring to that made me want to distance myself and began feeling less of a connection to him. But most of the time, I knew he was always making sure that I left a convo feeling really good about us. I was doing the same. I tried pushing this Adam/Hannah thing onto him, in which I would be Hannah and he would be Adam and we would take out all the big threats together just like Adam and Hannah in MvGx. I wanted to convince him that he could take me to the end and beat me, just like Adam and Hannah. He either realized he may not have been able to beat me, or just realized I was creating a counter-plan that involved him potentially going home tonight. This will be one of my main questions to him, if it was always his intention to blindside me like this at final 6, and he was always going to go with steph and sherri. Or if he was simply countering a move that Sherri/Steph so obviously told him about.

If he was always going to blindside me I would very much respect that at least. If he was countering my plan I would also understand, but I think it was stupid to counter a plan that he knew he could escape by simply playing his idol. Why counter a plan you know you have the votes on, and even have an idol to save yourself? Why waste a final 6 vote on getting someone like me out over a bigger threat like Mike? Unless I am misreading my own threat level, I don't think anyone saw me as threatening as Mike. I'm not sure. But I think everyone should ponder why Mike is still in the game tonight. I guess this turned into more of a negative :teary: :dizzy:


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By Hope
I'll try to get a positive convo going here, since at times I considered Matt my closest ally.

Did Matt ever talk hardcore strategy with y'all? There were times he led me in so deep into some of his strategies (many which I believed to be true, could have all been a lie) that it scared me. I genuinely thought like is this guy just overplaying, is he actually strategizing well? I felt he was always thinking game and he didn't really let other people in on that. I mean, you should assume that whenever someone as gamebotty as Matt is letting you in on their strategy, that there are several deeper layers to the strategy you aren't being let in on. This may sound obvious but that is what scared me the most about him, what I didn't know about his strategy.

Me and him came together really well because we both wanted to make *bold moves* towards the end of our games to really perfect them. I'm starting to realize that I don't think I needed too many bold moves to win this thing, but its very obvious that Matt needs them and he sure did find a bold move in voting me out. It sure would have been bolder if it were Mike though, which is why I just don't think this was the best move. But, I'm also biased so maybe other people could chime in when yall see this tomorrow. It's like 2am but i work afternoons and evenings so I stay up a little late to be online more. lol.
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By Hope
it also just does infuriate me how TERRIBLE matt was at lying to me today. like it was very very very very sloppy i wish i could access my IMs and copy paste for yall, it was high key pathetic dude take some fucking notes from steph please god. i think his cocky attitude mixed with the terrible acting skills are steering me away from him overall currently
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By Tai
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Matt and I had great strategic conversations, up to my vote, lol like everyone else, it was can't help you. But Matt seriously knows what he was doing and was great keeping a calm persona. I kinda feel like he was the glue for Sherri/Reynold/Steph/Me.
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By Allie
Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 1:13:28 am I'll try to get a positive convo going here, since at times I considered Matt my closest ally.

Did Matt ever talk hardcore strategy with y'all? There were times he led me in so deep into some of his strategies (many which I believed to be true, could have all been a lie) that it scared me. I genuinely thought like is this guy just overplaying, is he actually strategizing well? I felt he was always thinking game and he didn't really let other people in on that. I mean, you should assume that whenever someone as gamebotty as Matt is letting you in on their strategy, that there are several deeper layers to the strategy you aren't being let in on. This may sound obvious but that is what scared me the most about him, what I didn't know about his strategy.

Me and him came together really well because we both wanted to make *bold moves* towards the end of our games to really perfect them. I'm starting to realize that I don't think I needed too many bold moves to win this thing, but its very obvious that Matt needs them and he sure did find a bold move in voting me out. It sure would have been bolder if it were Mike though, which is why I just don't think this was the best move. But, I'm also biased so maybe other people could chime in when yall see this tomorrow. It's like 2am but i work afternoons and evenings so I stay up a little late to be online more. lol.
Nope. Mike would never talk strategy at all with me. But considering how many people he made alliances with, I think he needed some people to be disposable, to not have "too many" either. Kinda felt scary knowing he's in a good position and you're not one of those he talk strategy with :p Although what doesn't help is I've been on a different tribe with him pretty much all game?


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By Allie
Nevermind, I misread Matt for Mike. wtf my eyes. But nah, Matt would always tell me how he would want to work with me but nothing ever concrete at all. I knew it was bullshit, but I was thinking maybe it would be useful at some point whenever moves needed to be made. Never had the chance. I think Matt is just being loyal to his main group?
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By Aurora
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Hope wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:10:13 pm right now i feel matt has sherri and steph locked around his fingers. i think it says a lot more about them and their stupidity over matt's skills though. he was an absolute terrible liar today, it was radio silence all day from him. although i certainly felt the blindside when my name was read outloud for the third time, i wasnt TOO shocked because literally, not exaggerating, COMPLETE RADIO SILENCE on his part. sherri's too.

I also want to say that if you, as a juror, want to vote for someone who at least respects you as a person then I do not suggest voting Matt because he had many off-color comments to say about almost all of you. the whole thing felt very russell hantz-y to me
Well don't let me down, tell me what he said about me!


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By Elizabeth
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Allie wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 6:10:35 am Nevermind, I misread Matt for Mike. wtf my eyes. But nah, Matt would always tell me how he would want to work with me but nothing ever concrete at all. I knew it was bullshit, but I was thinking maybe it would be useful at some point whenever moves needed to be made. Never had the chance. I think Matt is just being loyal to his main group?
Matt is all lies. Acts like a such a great guy. I knew he was bullshit right away. Hence why I never wanted to work with him. He is a lapdog, no respect for this pussy lol
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By Hope
Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:04:21 am
Hope wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:10:13 pm right now i feel matt has sherri and steph locked around his fingers. i think it says a lot more about them and their stupidity over matt's skills though. he was an absolute terrible liar today, it was radio silence all day from him. although i certainly felt the blindside when my name was read outloud for the third time, i wasnt TOO shocked because literally, not exaggerating, COMPLETE RADIO SILENCE on his part. sherri's too.

I also want to say that if you, as a juror, want to vote for someone who at least respects you as a person then I do not suggest voting Matt because he had many off-color comments to say about almost all of you. the whole thing felt very russell hantz-y to me
Well don't let me down, tell me what he said about me!
Lol just your typical she's a goat she didn't do shit, doesn't deserve a spot here, he was very intense about game stuff like that and criticizing other people's positioning. I went along with some of it because I knew it would get him to like and trust me more, but it's usually never how I operate, I don't care to really shit on other people's game while we're in the game because anyone can can successfully plead a case at FTC.
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By Hope
Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:59:21 am Matt and I had great strategic conversations, up to my vote, lol like everyone else, it was can't help you. But Matt seriously knows what he was doing and was great keeping a calm persona. I kinda feel like he was the glue for Sherri/Reynold/Steph/Me.
well weren't you two telephone partners? it would make sense for him to be the glue there at least


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