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The case for Stephannie - Page 2 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Reynold
Sometimes you just have that intuition alexis lol. I just felt it coming. I knew it would be bad for a lot of people if I was able to actually retain numbers through the merge. I spent so much time building an alliance of unwavering trust and that's why they're in the final. Sherri was the true head of the dragon though, I was just an arm I guess bc they made it to F5 and didn't collapse w/o me. The group was just about making sure that there was no bullshit, we all play for each other and to benefit our games to make it to the end. The alliance was fundamentally built on caring about each other, not strategy. :D


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By Aurora
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Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:09:17 am I think the reason why you were pegged as a goat and she wasn't is because she had more agency in the game, especially being within that majority alliance and not eating her allies from the jump.
Yeah I'm just saying she had no choice but to get in with you based on the first swap. She did a good job of that, no doubt and she deserves a lot of credit for it.

I guess I feel like I saw (and maybe was right?) that the game was going to end with Mike/Sherri/Matt/Steph group (didn't see Hope and Jess in f6 though). So I was trying to position myself either to go f3 with some combination of those players or to completely flip it so that they became the minority alliance. I ended up wanting to flip it at 9, but prepared for it and executed it really poorly.
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By Reynold

it was just so stupid that after I got voted out sherri, matt, michael, steph didn't. I mean it was in front of everyone's faces. The outer-group should have got their shit together, actually had faith in each other, banded together, and kept the numbers like you had when you voted me/tai out. I don't understand how y'all let that slip away. Someone should have just flat ass said they are working together, cut the sht, and cut them off. It's almost like y'all weren't a match for the group I sat there and fucking catered to for weeks, training them. Sad I got 14th tho bc I should have matt's spot now that we've realized what a goat he is.
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By Reynold

I can see where you're coming from, I just think that too many players were double-dipping and that's why you weren't able to get the flip. You SHOULD have had more agency in this game. Your perspective is actually pretty interesting and I'd like to see you play again (even though you said it was your last season right?)


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By Alexis
Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:33:24 am @Aurora

it was just so stupid that after I got voted out sherri, matt, michael, steph didn't. I mean it was in front of everyone's faces. The outer-group should have got their shit together, actually had faith in each other, banded together, and kept the numbers like you had when you voted me/tai out. I don't understand how y'all let that slip away. Someone should have just flat ass said they are working together, cut the sht, and cut them off. It's almost like y'all weren't a match for the group I sat there and fucking catered to for weeks, training them. Sad I got 14th tho bc I should have matt's spot now that we've realized what a goat he is.
Lol I purposely brought them into the Tai and Allie votes as a sign of good will and then it fucked me. Obviously it wasn't that simple and other people were doing things, too. Can't take credit, but that's how I saw it.
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By Elizabeth
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Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:30:36 am
Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:09:17 am I think the reason why you were pegged as a goat and she wasn't is because she had more agency in the game, especially being within that majority alliance and not eating her allies from the jump.
Yeah I'm just saying she had no choice but to get in with you based on the first swap. She did a good job of that, no doubt and she deserves a lot of credit for it.

I guess I feel like I saw (and maybe was right?) that the game was going to end with Mike/Sherri/Matt/Steph group (didn't see Hope and Jess in f6 though). So I was trying to position myself either to go f3 with some combination of those players or to completely flip it so that they became the minority alliance. I ended up wanting to flip it at 9, but prepared for it and executed it really poorly.
I was trying to do this way before lol NO ONE else wanted to split that group up and here we are :) haha. Made no sense then and I’m just laughing now.
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By Tai
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Pretty crazy, I thought Sherri/Steph/Matt were gonna follow right after us, which is another good reason why they have played pretty solid games.
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By Aurora
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Elizabeth wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:41:56 am
Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:30:36 am
Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:09:17 am I think the reason why you were pegged as a goat and she wasn't is because she had more agency in the game, especially being within that majority alliance and not eating her allies from the jump.
Yeah I'm just saying she had no choice but to get in with you based on the first swap. She did a good job of that, no doubt and she deserves a lot of credit for it.

I guess I feel like I saw (and maybe was right?) that the game was going to end with Mike/Sherri/Matt/Steph group (didn't see Hope and Jess in f6 though). So I was trying to position myself either to go f3 with some combination of those players or to completely flip it so that they became the minority alliance. I ended up wanting to flip it at 9, but prepared for it and executed it really poorly.
I was trying to do this way before lol NO ONE else wanted to split that group up and here we are :) haha. Made no sense then and I’m just laughing now.
I don't think you're wrong, I just thought it was too early to make the flip. I saw no way you'd want to bring me along in the game when you had far closer allies.


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By Aurora
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Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:34:53 am @Aurora

I can see where you're coming from, I just think that too many players were double-dipping and that's why you weren't able to get the flip. You SHOULD have had more agency in this game. Your perspective is actually pretty interesting and I'd like to see you play again (even though you said it was your last season right?)
I'll start working in September and there's no chance I'll be able to play then with like 80 hour work weeks. So yeah, I think this is probably it! But thanks, I will lurk and hope to see your ass in here again!
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By Aurora
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Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:59:13 am Man... I really thought you/Liz/Jess were a super tight trio Aurora
Jess and I were tight at the beginning. She sketched me out when she fucked me over at the Shamar vote. And Liz and I just talked the least out of the merge tribe.
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By Elizabeth
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I’d have taken you to at least 5 and maybe by then further. Only two I said I wanted in the end were Jess/Alexis only because I felt I knew their games best to argue against. I dunno Michaels or Stephanie’s game well enough to even guess what they would come with lol
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By Aurora
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Elizabeth wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:04:20 am Yeah I think Jess was the in between for us but after merge felt weird vibes from aurora. It was like walking on egg shells and I never knew why lol
Sucks we didn't sort this out because I just never felt like I was that close to you! Bummer, it would have definitely changed the game for me.
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