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The case for Michael - Page 2 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Reynold
Thanks for confirming I'm non-delusional, that's the truth bud. Love you dawg. Wanted to work w/you too but I knew your energy shifted on me. I was talking about it in hustle n flow about how you started treating me different and started distancing :/ <3


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By Reynold
the convo ab me telling you to separate from liz was something I really was like "fuck I should not have said that"


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By Alexis
Reynold it was also blatantly obvious what group chats you were in LOL. I knew hustle and flow, kingdom hearts, and whatever the pig one was were all your chats with the other alliance from the first night of merge.
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By Alexis
Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:21:52 am the convo ab me telling you to separate from liz was something I really was like "fuck I should not have said that"
You were just highlighting what I had been confessing about for like three rounds, but didn't want to do out of moral principle. My heart wins out over my head like 3 out of 4 times and it's why I have a hard time making it to the ends of these games.
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By Aurora
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Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:12:26 am I just can't stop thinking about Mike. How the hell did he get included in this vote tonight against me. That was INSANE.

Jess was CONVINCED she had him in her pocket. She was always reassuring me that he would do "whatever we said" :oop: I was always telling her our best bets lied in Steph, just further proving how fantastic Steph was at lying to me. But Mike was the obvious threat tonight to go to me. I'm going to really be questioning the jury on why they thought I was the person to go tonight over Mike, who could easily beast his way to the end now through challenges and social climbing. He's got Jess hook line and sinker, he can pull her in and do whatever the hell he wants with her, she's probably desperate and thinks shes going next (unaware that everyone wants her in the end, she thought she was going to be the target tonight!! i was thinking girl no i would be everyone wants you in the end :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:)

I'm dying to vote for him!!!!!!!! If I see him here tomorrow, I'm going to be disappointed. :sob:
Mike has had Jess since day one. Fucking sucked for me, but yes, credit to him. I told y'all he'd win if he gets to f3.
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By Aurora
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Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:09:05 am
Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:12:26 am I just can't stop thinking about Mike. How the hell did he get included in this vote tonight against me. That was INSANE.

Jess was CONVINCED she had him in her pocket. She was always reassuring me that he would do "whatever we said" :oop: I was always telling her our best bets lied in Steph, just further proving how fantastic Steph was at lying to me. But Mike was the obvious threat tonight to go to me. I'm going to really be questioning the jury on why they thought I was the person to go tonight over Mike, who could easily beast his way to the end now through challenges and social climbing. He's got Jess hook line and sinker, he can pull her in and do whatever the hell he wants with her, she's probably desperate and thinks shes going next (unaware that everyone wants her in the end, she thought she was going to be the target tonight!! i was thinking girl no i would be everyone wants you in the end :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:)

I'm dying to vote for him!!!!!!!! If I see him here tomorrow, I'm going to be disappointed. :sob:
He and Matt are very tight, and I don't know if people realize this. Me, Matt, and Mike had a group chat since like day one or two of the game called "The Kissing Booth," and I always had this feeling that Matt and Michael were tighter than I was with Matt. As our paths diverged a lot, we stopped using it as much, but I wouldn't be surprised if the two of them made some sort of deal here as Matt realizes he needs to separate himself from Sherri a bit. After the perspective Hope shared last night Re: Matt, I have no idea how genuine any of this was.
Matt told me it was me, him, and Mike f3. lololol
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By Alexis
Oh yeah, he told me he would never, ever vote me out of the game, and I didn't want to be held to the same so I told him I wasn't going to hold him to that because our personal relationship would be fine regardless. But like...now that I know he was flat out lying and used emotional manipulation like that to build trust...I don't love it. I mean I was a sucker and he beat me, so it apparently worked for him, but I don't respect it.
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By Reynold

i think matt and michael made a final 3 with me too LOL


yeah it was obvious. When someone created "Wowza" I said in my group: "THAT'S ALEXIS! THAT'S HER RHETORIC!" idk if that was you tho but I was guessing and just said it at the time LOL
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By Aurora
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Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:06:26 am Michael ended up being my ride or die in this, despite our relationship getting slightly rocky for a hot minute. So if he's at FTC, someone else is going to have to make a pretty strong case to steal my vote from him.

Someone else (sorry I'm forgetting who) said Michael had strong game-awareness, but not strong self-awareness, and I definitely agree with this, but he's had enough wake up calls now to reevaluate, and I'm hoping he gets a chance to argue in favor of his game at FTC. It's really impressive that he's still hanging on. Adaptability is key, and I think that's one of his major strengths.
That was me. And I hope after my tongue-lashing he bucked up a tad.

Honestly, Alexis, I wanted to go you, me, Mike. I thought that would have been a fun competitive group. And I would have lost but I would have enjoyed sitting next to the two of you. There's no path for that to have ever happened, haha, but it was fun to think about.
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By Alexis
Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:42:36 am @Aurora

i think matt and michael made a final 3 with me too LOL


yeah it was obvious. When someone created "Wowza" I said in my group: "THAT'S ALEXIS! THAT'S HER RHETORIC!" idk if that was you tho but I was guessing and just said it at the time LOL
It was actually Rocker's rhetoric--I don't think I'm ever said "Wowza" in my life, lol. Who am I, the Fonz?! But yes I did create the chat...and like five other fake ones.
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By Tai
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Reynold lead the charge for Jess his boot! LOL was trying to get all of us on the same page, and make sure we didn't steer away from the plan hahah
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By Alexis
Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:42:55 am
Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:06:26 am Michael ended up being my ride or die in this, despite our relationship getting slightly rocky for a hot minute. So if he's at FTC, someone else is going to have to make a pretty strong case to steal my vote from him.

Someone else (sorry I'm forgetting who) said Michael had strong game-awareness, but not strong self-awareness, and I definitely agree with this, but he's had enough wake up calls now to reevaluate, and I'm hoping he gets a chance to argue in favor of his game at FTC. It's really impressive that he's still hanging on. Adaptability is key, and I think that's one of his major strengths.
That was me. And I hope after my tongue-lashing he bucked up a tad.

Honestly, Alexis, I wanted to go you, me, Mike. I thought that would have been a fun competitive group. And I would have lost but I would have enjoyed sitting next to the two of you. There's no path for that to have ever happened, haha, but it was fun to think about.
I actually said in a confessional or two that I wanted to go far with you, and then you sketched me out.
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By Reynold

I was underrated :( sad we both left sooo fucking early (you were my roach that couldn't get stepped on legend)
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By Tai
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You had a great social game, @Hope were you actually with us 6 or were you already set with another group?
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By Hope
Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:50:48 am You had a great social game, @Hope were you actually with us 6 or were you already set with another group?
I wanted to keep my options open with each group so the first few votes outs of the merge I tried to stay consistent as possible with both groups. When i would vote with one group I tried explaining my votes to the other group for damage control. I was serious about that group but truthfully my intention was to take bits and pieces from both groups. That's why I loved the idea of a Me/Matt/Jess final three because I felt I had successfully taken two people from each group, brought them together and made them my own.
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By Aurora
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Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:25:40 pm
Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:50:48 am You had a great social game, @Hope were you actually with us 6 or were you already set with another group?
I wanted to keep my options open with each group so the first few votes outs of the merge I tried to stay consistent as possible with both groups. When i would vote with one group I tried explaining my votes to the other group for damage control. I was serious about that group but truthfully my intention was to take bits and pieces from both groups. That's why I loved the idea of a Me/Matt/Jess final three because I felt I had successfully taken two people from each group, brought them together and made them my own.
Who did you vote when Missy went home?


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By Alexis
Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:32:13 pm The Missy votes were me, Rocker, Shamar, and Michael.
Wait, duh. You knew that Aurora. You want the mystery solved about Hope's vote lmao. ME TOO!
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By Hope
Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:30:43 pm
Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:25:40 pm
Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:50:48 am You had a great social game, @Hope were you actually with us 6 or were you already set with another group?
I wanted to keep my options open with each group so the first few votes outs of the merge I tried to stay consistent as possible with both groups. When i would vote with one group I tried explaining my votes to the other group for damage control. I was serious about that group but truthfully my intention was to take bits and pieces from both groups. That's why I loved the idea of a Me/Matt/Jess final three because I felt I had successfully taken two people from each group, brought them together and made them my own.
Who did you vote when Missy went home?
I'm like 99% sure I voted for Shamar that night, and my vote didn't count because I submitted it late. So there were two votes for Shamar which was you and Jess. I tried playing it up that I did vote for Shamar and Jess lied to you that she didn't, but in reality she did but my vote just didn't count in the final vote count. Lol
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By Aurora
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Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:33:55 pm
Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:30:43 pm
Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:25:40 pm

I wanted to keep my options open with each group so the first few votes outs of the merge I tried to stay consistent as possible with both groups. When i would vote with one group I tried explaining my votes to the other group for damage control. I was serious about that group but truthfully my intention was to take bits and pieces from both groups. That's why I loved the idea of a Me/Matt/Jess final three because I felt I had successfully taken two people from each group, brought them together and made them my own.
Who did you vote when Missy went home?
I'm like 99% sure I voted for Shamar that night, and my vote didn't count because I submitted it late. So there were two votes for Shamar which was you and Jess. I tried playing it up that I did vote for Shamar and Jess lied to you that she didn't, but in reality she did but my vote just didn't count in the final vote count. Lol
Haha it was just such a weird lie to me. I think it kept me distanced from you a little more than need be.
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