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The case for Matt - Page 2 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Hope
Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:43:40 pm
Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:59:21 am Matt and I had great strategic conversations, up to my vote, lol like everyone else, it was can't help you. But Matt seriously knows what he was doing and was great keeping a calm persona. I kinda feel like he was the glue for Sherri/Reynold/Steph/Me.
well weren't you two telephone partners? it would make sense for him to be the glue there at least
oh wait im dumb. literally laura was your tele partner. who am i thinking that told me matt was their tele partner and they felt close to him. i think it could have been you still Tai but you just didn't say he was your telepartner, you just said you felt close to him on the other side.


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By Tai
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His partner was Missy, who told them that I was in trouble so they could pool together to get Steph/Me immunity <333333
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By Hope
If Matt left Sherri out of this Steph vote, it means he clearly lied/appealed to them well because they sided with him over me at 6. This makes me want to vote Matt more but I'm definitely going to be looking for more answers if he makes it to FTC. If Sherri loses immunity tomorrow I see her joining us here. I feel Matt and Jess already have guaranteed spots. Let's see if Sherri or Mike walk in here tomorrow.


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By Aurora
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Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:23:59 pm If Matt left Sherri out of this Steph vote, it means he clearly lied/appealed to them well because they sided with him over me at 6. This makes me want to vote Matt more but I'm definitely going to be looking for more answers if he makes it to FTC. If Sherri loses immunity tomorrow I see her joining us here. I feel Matt and Jess already have guaranteed spots. Let's see if Sherri or Mike walk in here tomorrow.
Yeah, I actually think Matt benefitted the most out of tonight’s events.
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By Hope
Right now, if Sherri walks in tomorrow I'm leaning towards Mike to win. If Mike walks in tomorrow, my vote will lean towards Matt. It also depends on who wins immunity. That will also say a lot about what could happen. Just some late night thoughts


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By Hope
I really want Matt to really address his change of demeanor. I don't want it to seem like he was always HARDCORE shitting on everyone, it definitely was more overall being overly-critical of other peoples games, and dancing on people's graves to me once they left. And I really think I could have been the only person he showed this behavior to? I mean, you all can be the judges when this forum because public when this is over, I just really didn't want to inflict my opinion of him onto others, I just wanted to give further insight into why I came for him on my last day. We had a great working relationship and good friendship over very similar interests. As the game became darker and people dwindled, I felt he became darker. I get it, the game does that to people. But he needs to address it & possibly even make amends for it. I don't know if this alone would make me vote for Sherri over him though, I am still leaning towards Matt even if Sherri is there. We'll see the amount of fight Sherri puts up tonight.


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By Alexis
Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:42:17 pm
Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:04:21 am
Hope wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:10:13 pm right now i feel matt has sherri and steph locked around his fingers. i think it says a lot more about them and their stupidity over matt's skills though. he was an absolute terrible liar today, it was radio silence all day from him. although i certainly felt the blindside when my name was read outloud for the third time, i wasnt TOO shocked because literally, not exaggerating, COMPLETE RADIO SILENCE on his part. sherri's too.

I also want to say that if you, as a juror, want to vote for someone who at least respects you as a person then I do not suggest voting Matt because he had many off-color comments to say about almost all of you. the whole thing felt very russell hantz-y to me
Well don't let me down, tell me what he said about me!
Lol just your typical she's a goat she didn't do shit, doesn't deserve a spot here, he was very intense about game stuff like that and criticizing other people's positioning. I went along with some of it because I knew it would get him to like and trust me more, but it's usually never how I operate, I don't care to really shit on other people's game while we're in the game because anyone can can successfully plead a case at FTC.
Anyone can also copy and paste what you're saying and use it as a weapon against you, too.
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By Hope
Another question I will have for Matt if him and Jess actually decide together to bring Mike: Why the fuck did you think you could beat Mike? Why do you think you deserve to win over him? Please explain with very, very specific examples. Will be asking Mike a similar/same question.
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By Elizabeth
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They’re screwed regardless. They both suck against Mike or Sherri. No arguments. They’re screwed and our only prerogative is if Sherri and Mike both end up in the final lol
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By Hope
Hope wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 3:46:12 pm I really want Matt to really address his change of demeanor. I don't want it to seem like he was always HARDCORE shitting on everyone, it definitely was more overall being overly-critical of other peoples games, and dancing on people's graves to me once they left. And I really think I could have been the only person he showed this behavior to? I mean, you all can be the judges when this forum because public when this is over, I just really didn't want to inflict my opinion of him onto others, I just wanted to give further insight into why I came for him on my last day. We had a great working relationship and good friendship over very similar interests. As the game became darker and people dwindled, I felt he became darker. I get it, the game does that to people. But he needs to address it & possibly even make amends for it. I don't know if this alone would make me vote for Sherri over him though, I am still leaning towards Matt even if Sherri is there. We'll see the amount of fight Sherri puts up tonight.
And also, for Matt to pick an insane fight with me the day he knew he was voting me out? Terrible, terrible, terrible social play. Absolutely terrible lol, was the most random fight EVER and his passive aggressiveness to me during it made me feel grossed out by him. So he's going to have to answer to that too
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By Hope
Elizabeth wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:09:50 pm They’re screwed regardless. They both suck against Mike or Sherri. No arguments. They’re screwed and our only prerogative is if Sherri and Mike both end up in the final lol
I respect Sherri's game and my vote could easily go to her, but she's going to have to make a strong case after being blindsided yesterday after I warned her exactly what was going to happen. She's gonna have to really say something similar to Steph, that she knew Matt was lying but wanted to take me out because I was a threat.
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By Hope
Hope wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:23:14 pm
Elizabeth wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:09:50 pm They’re screwed regardless. They both suck against Mike or Sherri. No arguments. They’re screwed and our only prerogative is if Sherri and Mike both end up in the final lol
I respect Sherri's game and my vote could easily go to her, but she's going to have to make a strong case after being blindsided yesterday after I warned her exactly what was going to happen. She's gonna have to really say something similar to Steph, that she knew Matt was lying but wanted to take me out because I was a threat.
And judging from her voting confessional to me that was "You have told ten too many lies", it seems like she genuinely thought I was lying to her.


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By Stephannie
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I would also like to learn more about this fight. Because if he was always planning on going to the end with Mike, I'm a bit worried he engineered the drama to help get his way at F6 which... I would not be happy to find out!
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By Hope
Stephannie wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:25:29 pm I would also like to learn more about this fight. Because if he was always planning on going to the end with Mike, I'm a bit worried he engineered the drama to help get his way at F6 which... I would not be happy to find out!
Our fight was indeed over Mike. I basically had this ongoing struggle of trying to convince Matt to make you our final four and not Mike. To try and convince Matt of this I told him that Jess heard from Mike that if Mike came to final four with us he would vote Matt out and bring me and Jess to his f3. Because I did indeed hear that from Jess. Which I have no idea how true that was of course but Jess seemed to believe it. I told Matt this days ago btw and he didn't seem upset by it, which was weird.

So then on the day of my vote out Matt got all pissy with me when I asked him "are you comfortable voting out mike today since he doesn't have plans to take you to three?" because he then immediately accused me of trying to implicate him on something? and then I basically said no my fucking dude you got this all wrong I'm literally just trying to get us into a better final four that will ensure both of us final three dumbass. I said it much nicer obvi. I was soooo confused at his random aggression towards me and then he tries making it up like okay love you<3 at the end. It was just such misplaced aggression because then I asked him why the hell he was taking this tone with me and he said "sorry, some things with Mike are stressing me out" which in reality he was just stressed at my counter-plan that he heard was in the works. Basically he was just stressed out by me and took it out on me.


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By Alexis
Wait you thought your chances were better with Steph and Sherri than with Mike and Matt?


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By Hope
Alexis wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:54:13 pm Wait you thought your chances were better with Steph and Sherri than with Mike and Matt?
I thought my chances were better with Jess and Steph at final three with me, not Mike and Matt or Sherri. Looking back now, I probably would have lost to Steph. But that was my thought process at the time, that I felt I was thinking more strategically than Steph (No offense steph, you wouldve had my jury vote in the end had you made it since I realized it was mad dumb for me to wanna take you, and you were 100% playing so strategically you were just so UTR queen) and that it would be an accomplishment in itself: to have actually made my dream final three happen.

My biggest mistake is just not sticking to the Matt and Jess final three I had, but I truly felt Matt and Jess was calling the shots because they were so set on bringing Mike to final 4 and I didn't feel the same way, I wanted Steph there. I didn't want to just go along with it and then have Matt tell the jury he dragged me to final 3. And I know Jess was convinced one of us could have beaten Mike had he brought us to three but I wasn't. I just overall felt that Matt was going to take credit for everything that I did for myself in my own game.

Do you think I would have beaten Matt or Jess, even though it would have just involved me "going with the flow" from final 8 onwards and just voting whoever Matt and Jess saw fit to go from final 6 on? Because even with the Shamar vote, although I voted for Shamar with them I still did not feel that I got my way, and I wanted to prove that I could get my way that deep in the game. I wanted Sherri gone when Shamar went, I wish I did more with you to make that happen.
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By Jessica
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This one is going to be much shorter than Sherri’s.

Just like Sherri, I finally met Matt at the merge. We never really talked game but I soon saw him as someone I wanted on my side. I asked Michael to talk to him and see if we could bring him in. Matt told me he wanted to work with me and gave me the idol clue Sherri had won as a sign of trust. So I took that and opened up a little bit to him. I also shared the clue Liz bought with him to return the favor (that was a mistake). The only time we ever actually got somewhat close was the last weekend when the idea of Hope, Matt and myself was a F3 being mentioned. I honestly liked the idea because in my eyes, Matt had done nothing up to that point.

Since then he has played his idol, got people to blindside Hope, and flip flopped against Steph and Sherri to vote out Steph.

My issue with Matt is I feel like he was never honest with me this entire game. I swear everything he told me was a lie. So while I can see he tried to build his resume towards the end of the game, I still see him as someone who is expecting to do a scooby doo reveal this weekend. I also fully expect him to take credit for moves he didn’t do, so please be on the lookout for that.

Once again, I’ll answer any questions you have about Matt.
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By Stephannie
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Matt told me in the early merge... or maybe even the late pre-merge... that he was bothered by the way he was perceived. Something about Liz calling him "Sherri's lapdog." I laughed with him about it and assured him it wasn't true, that sometimes people have their perceptions and we can't worry too much about them, no use controlling what other people think etc.

There's nothing wrong with being UTR. My merge was quieter, which was intentional because I came in on the heels of Missy trying to mastermind the game against me (lol) because "I was a huge threat who needed to go."

But with Matt I'm curious now... he came into the merge knowing how he was perceived. But then decided to keep his approach the same throughout. So it's like, you knew you were being viewed as "a follower" or "quiet" or whatever - whether it was true or not - and had the entire merge to change that perception. But continued to sit more behind the scenes. And I do think he's kind of relying on a Scooby-Doo reveal, at least in some capacity.... which I'm not closed off to necessarily but he'll need to articulate himself well.

I also don't get the aspect of not leaving goodbye comments for anyone. We played nearly the entire game together and it was like... you ended that after almost a month and have *nothing* to say in the moment? Not even a "take care" type of comment? :cold:
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By Jessica
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Stephannie wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 8:21:54 am Matt told me in the early merge... or maybe even the late pre-merge... that he was bothered by the way he was perceived. Something about Liz calling him "Sherri's lapdog." I laughed with him about it and assured him it wasn't true, that sometimes people have their perceptions and we can't worry too much about them, no use controlling what other people think etc.

There's nothing wrong with being UTR. My merge was quieter, which was intentional because I came in on the heels of Missy trying to mastermind the game against me (lol) because "I was a huge threat who needed to go."

But with Matt I'm curious now... he came into the merge knowing how he was perceived. But then decided to keep his approach the same throughout. So it's like, you knew you were being viewed as "a follower" or "quiet" or whatever - whether it was true or not - and had the entire merge to change that perception. But continued to sit more behind the scenes. And I do think he's kind of relying on a Scooby-Doo reveal, at least in some capacity.... which I'm not closed off to necessarily but he'll need to articulate himself well.

I also don't get the aspect of not leaving goodbye comments for anyone. We played nearly the entire game together and it was like... you ended that after almost a month and have *nothing* to say in the moment? Not even a "take care" type of comment? :cold:
That’s a really good point that he knew how he was perceived but did nothing to change it until the last second. And he only did that because he knew he couldn’t win against Sherri. Steph, you were not supposed to go on Wednesday, Sherri was.

But the no leaving comments just makes him look bad. Like, jury management is a think and It’s like he doesn’t care? I’m not sure what he’s thinking there.
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