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Jury Duty - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Jeff Probst
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Hey Guys,

I will be starting your individual jury threads on Friday night after the Opening Statements are due. Feel free to begin drafting up your speeches now so you are ready to post. (In fact, you should do that, feel free to use your confessionals)

There are a couple of ground rules here.

#1. You cannot ask for really long lists of answers, ie: Give us an example of why you love each juror, Go through every player in the game and write a paragraph on their games, etc... Keep in mind there are eleven jurors and these guys have to answer each of them in-depth.

#2. Once you post your statements/questions you cannot ask further questions or statements. If at all possible, try to keep it to your opening speech and questions and then a "thank you" after they have answered. You will have the 90 minute live tribal on Sunday to cross-examine and ask further questions.

#3. Your deadline to submit your jury questions/statements is Saturday at 8c/9e pm. Once you post in your thread, I'll ask that you just make one post with your questions/statements to each of the final three if you have any, so please edit that post to exactly how you want it ahead of time. You have 24 hours to do that now so I recommend starting now :)

#4. You are allowed to tell the other jurors what questions you have just in case someone asks the same thing you want to.

#5. Please do not actively try to influence the other jurors here at ponderosa. You can argue the pros and cons of each point or critique their responses, but remember this is an individual vote and you should vote based on YOUR experience, not groupthink.

#6. You should leave a prevote in your confessionals, you can always change it up until the day it is due, but we like to have it just in case someone ghosts on the last day as has happened in the past. So please do that now.
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Jeff Probst

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By Alexis
I'm not asking this in order to be a slacker, but do we have to ask a question?

(I prob will, but just wondering :smile: )
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By Jeff Probst
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Alexis wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:51:05 pm I'm not asking this in order to be a slacker, but do we have to ask a question?

(I prob will, but just wondering :smile: )
Nope, that's why we said "Questions/Statements"

Jeff Probst

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By Allie
Mine's ready. But I'll wait Openings before I share, in case they already answer something.


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By Allie
So far mine are these :

Between final 7 and final 4, what decisions did you consider 'good' for your game, and why?

I liked our conversations. But here's the concern. Recently, jurors have been coming into ponderosa with rumours that you were nasty about other players. I was a little surprised because that was not the Matt I knew. So that is my question : Are these rumours real? And if not, why do you think they perceived it this way? What comments do you think they might be referring to? Bring it all to the table, because you'll probably need it. If that's not obvious enough, you're currently viewed as the third runner-up.

But Sherri could answer hers in the opening so I'd have to find another.
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By Reynold

like the question about matt a lot, i'm thinking the same thing
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By Reynold
we have 2 snakes.

an anaconda : sherri

and a grass snake: michael

how can someone vote you out and you still love them every time? That's got to be one hell of a snake. Who actually ran the entire game from start to finish? Who won half the challenges and all the idols. Who was a pre-merge threat and still managed to get to the final despite being a threat to the end and still having a group and being the leader? Sherri can't be that great of a person compared to michael/matt, but yet we all feel that way. She did SOMETHING different and misted y'all into still wanting to vote for her, despite voting you out and running this game since day one. How did michael lose the jury but sherri won when he was more-so an underdog compared to her?

not what I'm going to say but kind of what I'm rough sketching/thinking in my mind atm,I wouldn't sound so unorganized or put the statement together like that

just a preview of what i'm feelin
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By Reynold
and by won/lost I just mean personality, what did she do different despite having to fuck people over to and still make them feel good. How do you have this much agency but people are still happy with you when you're gone?


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By Jessica
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Reynold wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:44:12 am and by won/lost I just mean personality, what did she do different despite having to fuck people over to and still make them feel good. How do you have this much agency but people are still happy with you when you're gone?
That’s an interesting way to look at it. But I think the way Sherri approached people and how she talked to people made it easier to trust her. It’s a testament to her social game. Michael had a good social game but once people started comparing notes, he lost some credibility.
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By Reynold

I swear she is the ultimate bullshitter. One time she said to me "oh sherri loves playing dumb :) :)" she really can mist so hard, like next level


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By Allie
Where are you going with the grass snake and anaconda thing hahaah? :P This is sounding interesting
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By Reynold
@Jessica oh she's definitely a great person, just something about her game was more refined and I feel like there's too much there to ignore. She was a better person but she DID play the game. She DID bullshit, but her personality/warmness made you just eat into it.


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