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The case for Sherri - Page 3 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Elizabeth
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Reynold wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:05:05 pm @Elizabeth

it be your own crew sometimes
It’s ok. I forgive you :loveeyes: baha but even after merge you did it lol tried to spread the “Liz is insane seed”
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By Hope
Jessica wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:40:48 pm I’m 100% here for this... even though she got a bullshit advantage.
Jess, I would love to hear your pros and con for each final three member if you have the chance to really write them out in each thread!


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By Jessica
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Hope wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:06:03 am
Jessica wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:40:48 pm I’m 100% here for this... even though she got a bullshit advantage.
Jess, I would love to hear your pros and con for each final three member if you have the chance to really write them out in each thread!
I will happily do that.
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By Jessica
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Sherri is hands down the smartest player left in the game. From my perspective, she had a good read on most people and was aware of where she stood and adjusted herself to be able to survive. I didn’t meet her until the merge but she was still willing to be flexible and make deals with me the ensures us both safety. We made a deal after the Aurora boot and we made a deal for the F4. She also told me that she was going to be voting Matt and left the decision up to me if I wanted to take a chance in trusting Michael (jokes on me, right). I do believe that she kept to her word last night and voted Matt with me.

The boys think that the jury doesn’t care about the competitions she has won. But to me, she is the most well rounded of the 3. She won her way to the end, found not 1 but 2 idols, had a strong social game, and really only lacked strategically towards the end of the merge. She was loyal to those she wanted to be loyal to but also was willing to make moves when need be. Honestly, she is the player I wish I could be.

If you have specific questions, I’ll do my best to answer them as this is just an overview. But in my opinion, she’s not even in the same league as Matt and Michael when it comes to smart overall gameplay.
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By Stephannie
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I know we have a new thread now for speech day, but real quick since I posted in the other two...

So I'll be biased from the jump because I can say Sherri was the only player to vote with me in the end there. But if I put that aside and the fact that we played so much of the game together...

See to kind of contrast what I said about Matt, I think Liz said similar things about Sherri at F16 or something like that... and then at the merge she went on to be a force and a central character. Finding the idols, playing them, and then bidding for all the clues... we pooled our money and the responsibility fell on her to bid on behalf of all of us. Which I kind of felt guilty for after a while because it was making her front & center every round, bidding against everyone while Matt and I sat silently. So that's an aspect that idk if it's been discussed yet. Her threat levels had reason to rise every round, and she often got votes, but managed to survive and only really needed immunity in the very end.

On the flipside both of us clearly made some lapses in judgment, especially toward the end and Matt pulled one over on us which could have been avoided had we assessed some situations better... which I'll definitely be listening intently for to see how she reflects on those rounds and decisions!
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By Hope
Jessica wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 6:41:03 am Sherri is hands down the smartest player left in the game. From my perspective, she had a good read on most people and was aware of where she stood and adjusted herself to be able to survive. I didn’t meet her until the merge but she was still willing to be flexible and make deals with me the ensures us both safety. We made a deal after the Aurora boot and we made a deal for the F4. She also told me that she was going to be voting Matt and left the decision up to me if I wanted to take a chance in trusting Michael (jokes on me, right). I do believe that she kept to her word last night and voted Matt with me.

The boys think that the jury doesn’t care about the competitions she has won. But to me, she is the most well rounded of the 3. She won her way to the end, found not 1 but 2 idols, had a strong social game, and really only lacked strategically towards the end of the merge. She was loyal to those she wanted to be loyal to but also was willing to make moves when need be. Honestly, she is the player I wish I could be.

If you have specific questions, I’ll do my best to answer them as this is just an overview. But in my opinion, she’s not even in the same league as Matt and Michael when it comes to smart overall gameplay.
If Sherri overall showed stellar gameplay, why was she so easily convinced to vote me out at 6? She wrote on my parchment "you told ten too many lies" which I'm assuming Matt got to her and convinced her everything I told her was a lie (when it was all true). I feel like I need to give credit where credit is due, and if she really thought I was lying that's weird to me and IDK if she deserves cred for that then. It'd be more understandable had she just seen me as a threat like Steph said, but Sherri's parchment confessional points to her thinking I lied, as well as some of her tribal answers where she doesn't acknowledge she's a threat. All this makes me think she didn't have the best reads throughout her game.

She also somehow managed to experience what we all saw Michele in Kaoh Rong experience, getting blindsided at a final four tribal council, a tribal council that you should probably have some sort of grip of. It's a strange sight to see, someone with the necklace at final four getting blindsided after getting blindsided at 5. She so obviously didn't want to end up out there with Matt and it happened to her anyways.


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By Hope
Sherri has to answer for her shit gameplay towards the end and really acknowledge she relied on winning challenges to keep herself here because she couldn't trust anyone. She was often the target of many counter votes and she never really seemed to care that her name was out there because she knew she would be okay, I think that's epic as well.

If she can acknowledge that everything I said to her was the truth and nothing but the truth, and that she really was considered a huge threat by Matt and Jess and Mike and that she'd be gone without immunity wins, I'd consider voting for her. If not, no vote from me period.


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By Jessica
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Hope wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 11:54:26 am
Jessica wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 6:41:03 am Sherri is hands down the smartest player left in the game. From my perspective, she had a good read on most people and was aware of where she stood and adjusted herself to be able to survive. I didn’t meet her until the merge but she was still willing to be flexible and make deals with me the ensures us both safety. We made a deal after the Aurora boot and we made a deal for the F4. She also told me that she was going to be voting Matt and left the decision up to me if I wanted to take a chance in trusting Michael (jokes on me, right). I do believe that she kept to her word last night and voted Matt with me.

The boys think that the jury doesn’t care about the competitions she has won. But to me, she is the most well rounded of the 3. She won her way to the end, found not 1 but 2 idols, had a strong social game, and really only lacked strategically towards the end of the merge. She was loyal to those she wanted to be loyal to but also was willing to make moves when need be. Honestly, she is the player I wish I could be.

If you have specific questions, I’ll do my best to answer them as this is just an overview. But in my opinion, she’s not even in the same league as Matt and Michael when it comes to smart overall gameplay.
If Sherri overall showed stellar gameplay, why was she so easily convinced to vote me out at 6? She wrote on my parchment "you told ten too many lies" which I'm assuming Matt got to her and convinced her everything I told her was a lie (when it was all true). I feel like I need to give credit where credit is due, and if she really thought I was lying that's weird to me and IDK if she deserves cred for that then. It'd be more understandable had she just seen me as a threat like Steph said, but Sherri's parchment confessional points to her thinking I lied, as well as some of her tribal answers where she doesn't acknowledge she's a threat. All this makes me think she didn't have the best reads throughout her game.

She also somehow managed to experience what we all saw Michele in Kaoh Rong experience, getting blindsided at a final four tribal council, a tribal council that you should probably have some sort of grip of. It's a strange sight to see, someone with the necklace at final four getting blindsided after getting blindsided at 5. She so obviously didn't want to end up out there with Matt and it happened to her anyways.
To my knowledge, Matt was telling everyone that you had lied about everything. I was never told specifically what 'lies' you had told so it was basically Matt's word against you, who had just been voted out about couldn't stand up for yourself. But I do see your points about her reads. But everyone but Matt was blindsided by at least one vote in the F7. I can't tell if Matt wasnt blindsided because he didn't care and was just going with the majority or if it was due to his stellar gameplay.


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By Hope
Jessica wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:00:57 pm
Hope wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 11:54:26 am
Jessica wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 6:41:03 am Sherri is hands down the smartest player left in the game. From my perspective, she had a good read on most people and was aware of where she stood and adjusted herself to be able to survive. I didn’t meet her until the merge but she was still willing to be flexible and make deals with me the ensures us both safety. We made a deal after the Aurora boot and we made a deal for the F4. She also told me that she was going to be voting Matt and left the decision up to me if I wanted to take a chance in trusting Michael (jokes on me, right). I do believe that she kept to her word last night and voted Matt with me.

The boys think that the jury doesn’t care about the competitions she has won. But to me, she is the most well rounded of the 3. She won her way to the end, found not 1 but 2 idols, had a strong social game, and really only lacked strategically towards the end of the merge. She was loyal to those she wanted to be loyal to but also was willing to make moves when need be. Honestly, she is the player I wish I could be.

If you have specific questions, I’ll do my best to answer them as this is just an overview. But in my opinion, she’s not even in the same league as Matt and Michael when it comes to smart overall gameplay.
If Sherri overall showed stellar gameplay, why was she so easily convinced to vote me out at 6? She wrote on my parchment "you told ten too many lies" which I'm assuming Matt got to her and convinced her everything I told her was a lie (when it was all true). I feel like I need to give credit where credit is due, and if she really thought I was lying that's weird to me and IDK if she deserves cred for that then. It'd be more understandable had she just seen me as a threat like Steph said, but Sherri's parchment confessional points to her thinking I lied, as well as some of her tribal answers where she doesn't acknowledge she's a threat. All this makes me think she didn't have the best reads throughout her game.

She also somehow managed to experience what we all saw Michele in Kaoh Rong experience, getting blindsided at a final four tribal council, a tribal council that you should probably have some sort of grip of. It's a strange sight to see, someone with the necklace at final four getting blindsided after getting blindsided at 5. She so obviously didn't want to end up out there with Matt and it happened to her anyways.
To my knowledge, Matt was telling everyone that you had lied about everything. I was never told specifically what 'lies' you had told so it was basically Matt's word against you, who had just been voted out about couldn't stand up for yourself. But I do see your points about her reads. But everyone but Matt was blindsided by at least one vote in the F7. I can't tell if Matt wasnt blindsided because he didn't care and was just going with the majority or if it was due to his stellar gameplay.
And this makes me want to just lean my vote more towards Matt, who got basically everything he wanted these past few votes.


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By Jessica
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Hope wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:12:46 pm
Jessica wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:00:57 pm
Hope wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 11:54:26 am

If Sherri overall showed stellar gameplay, why was she so easily convinced to vote me out at 6? She wrote on my parchment "you told ten too many lies" which I'm assuming Matt got to her and convinced her everything I told her was a lie (when it was all true). I feel like I need to give credit where credit is due, and if she really thought I was lying that's weird to me and IDK if she deserves cred for that then. It'd be more understandable had she just seen me as a threat like Steph said, but Sherri's parchment confessional points to her thinking I lied, as well as some of her tribal answers where she doesn't acknowledge she's a threat. All this makes me think she didn't have the best reads throughout her game.

She also somehow managed to experience what we all saw Michele in Kaoh Rong experience, getting blindsided at a final four tribal council, a tribal council that you should probably have some sort of grip of. It's a strange sight to see, someone with the necklace at final four getting blindsided after getting blindsided at 5. She so obviously didn't want to end up out there with Matt and it happened to her anyways.
To my knowledge, Matt was telling everyone that you had lied about everything. I was never told specifically what 'lies' you had told so it was basically Matt's word against you, who had just been voted out about couldn't stand up for yourself. But I do see your points about her reads. But everyone but Matt was blindsided by at least one vote in the F7. I can't tell if Matt wasnt blindsided because he didn't care and was just going with the majority or if it was due to his stellar gameplay.
And this makes me want to just lean my vote more towards Matt, who got basically everything he wanted these past few votes.
I promise I'm not trying to sway anyone one way or another, just emotionally giving what I saw or learned throughout the game.


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By Hope
Jessica wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:20:51 pm
Hope wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:12:46 pm
Jessica wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:00:57 pm

To my knowledge, Matt was telling everyone that you had lied about everything. I was never told specifically what 'lies' you had told so it was basically Matt's word against you, who had just been voted out about couldn't stand up for yourself. But I do see your points about her reads. But everyone but Matt was blindsided by at least one vote in the F7. I can't tell if Matt wasnt blindsided because he didn't care and was just going with the majority or if it was due to his stellar gameplay.
And this makes me want to just lean my vote more towards Matt, who got basically everything he wanted these past few votes.
I promise I'm not trying to sway anyone one way or another, just emotionally giving what I saw or learned throughout the game.
Oh no, I don't think you are. I was just stating my opinion based off what you said. I appreciate you saying your thoughts in here especially since you were the last one in the game!!!


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By Hope
Can I just say that Mike's opening statements almost makes me want to vote Sherri more, I mean Mike made no mention of Sherri and her role in his game until he started talking about the final six vote. It seems like she really just crashed the Mike and Matt party and I'm kinda living for it lmfao
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By Elizabeth
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Hope wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:39:35 pm Can I just say that Mike's opening statements almost makes me want to vote Sherri more, I mean Mike made no mention of Sherri and her role in his game until he started talking about the final six vote. It seems like she really just crashed the Mike and Matt party and I'm kinda living for it lmfao
Well my question to him is what did he do that “outshined “ Sherri?
Maybe we will get something
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