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Jury rants and frustrations - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 10th Place - 5th Juror - Voted Out 6-2-1 --
By Elizabeth
Posts Group
I’m still shocked. So shocked I needed to make my own reaction gifs. Wish I could post them every time Rocker opens his trap. Blah blah blah is all I see.

Rocker is a walking contradiction and who the fuck actually knows what he’s doing?! Should have done your homework bud. You’re meme gold for me now. Missy who?
And then his stupid lame meme. Nice try. I think he can do better but from what I’ve seen, maybe not. Says my game was already sunk?! He knows nothing. Yet Alexis told me everything from day one about him. Leaching on to her. Rocker makes my eyes roll like no other. I’m breaking a record I think.
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  • Jury
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By Elizabeth
Posts Group
What the fuck happened to Shamar? You guys broke this guy bahaha! He does not sound good. Early on he was great but he’s on a spiral. The race talk?! What’s actually going on there? I feel like there’s some bigger issues going on and he’s using this as his tool to unleash. It makes me feel hella awkward.
He’s been nothing but a little bitch, in denial and now throwing out the race card? What happened to Shamar?! I’m only going to be the nice mom for so long. Eventually this shit is going to get old. Suck it up, own your shitty game and stop using the race card for your defence.
Not cool
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  • Jury
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By Elizabeth
Group Posts
What I want to say but too obvious where my vote is going hahaha fml
It’s a start

Hello you fine pieces of aces. And Matt.

I’m so proud of you for all your hard work.

Sherri, I have so much respect for you and all you have done. You have played a solid game. I knew this was going to be the outcome and no one believed me. :rofl:
With that being said, Why do you think you outplayed Matt and Michael?!

Michael, not sure what you did other than smooth talk half the jury. You didn’t win much or find any idols. So tell me, other than trying to be the next Tanz wannabe, what did you do that out shined Sherri? At any given time?

Matt. Just don’t.
Sit back and allow the real players to answer the questions.


  • Jury
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By Elizabeth
Group Posts
What the fuck is this jury even going on and on about?! Are we done yet?
If this is the shit I have to endure in their confessionals, I’m going to be skipping a lot.

“Omgg how dare you Michael try and make multiple alliances but you say you were with Matt?”

“I can’t believe Sherri called me a goat after I was voted the goat and I know I’m a goat but hi I’m a vote”

Shut the fuck up. Who cares. Move the fuck on ya irrelevant twats.

Get me outta here!


  • Jury
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By Elizabeth
Group Posts
This jury is starting to break lol
They’ve all legitimately lost their minds.
Turning on each other. Some are so blind!!!!!
I’m not gonna hurt feelings today, but I’m sure my thoughts will be unleashed tomorrow night.
They’re over thinking everything. It’s time for everyone to see the real picture.

LOVE STEPHANNIE. She’s been a ray of sunshine in this dark miserable grotto. Only sane one here. Lol

Shamar? What in the. This guy goes on a poor me escapade for a day, hides, reads everything then has a shining moment like he’s been so innocent over here. He better stop making enemies of all the jurors. Someone won’t last long tomorrow.

This Is going to be a major shit show.
I didn’t get to prepare this time. I’m so nervous!

Ps. Reynold needs to be put in a cage prior to reunion. SPUN I tell ya.
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  • Jury
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By Elizabeth
Posts Group
This will be my last Tuamotus confessional.
It borderline makes me sad but so very relieved this amazing journey is almost over.

Before I go, I wanted to thank all the hosts. You guys have killed it yet again. I’m so very grateful for all you have done and continue to do. I apologize if I’ve been a little snappy at times or didn’t understand certain choices. I’m a honest, heat of the moment person. In this moment, I have nothing bad to say. So thank you, for allowing me to play again! It really has been a freaking blast!
Now let’s see how I feel about y’all after I listen to the podcasts :rofl:

I voted Loveita as my favourite host and it still stands. Thank you so much for always looking out and putting the game aside at times to make sure we are ok. You’re the true queen of stranded :crown:

To the lurkers,
I hope you had as great as a time watching as I did playing. Can’t wait to hear any and all thoughts! Thanks for watching and giving us something to play for. :heart:

I hope I at least made top 10.
I feel like I did well, few minor errors along the way but I’m proud regardless!
Thanks again to EVERYONE involved!

Rachel aka Elizabeth aka Shayna aka fat cunt out
What I’d wear if I could attend a real reunion^
I miss heels :rofl:
Dean, Loveita Adams, Jeff Probst and 1 others liked this


  • Jury
  • Posts: 950
  • Awards: Posts Group