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Reunion + Cast Reveal - Page 5 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Jessica
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Alison wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:21:17 pm
Elizabeth wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:20:28 pm
John wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:19:47 pm Congrats Sherri! Great cast all around.
Icon himself :loveeyes:
i was about to say the same thing!
All my favorite people in one quote thread :heart:
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By Dean
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Laura, you're someone who is super sweet which goes against my very nature so ignore me and stick to the others.

Nah you're really kind though, don't lose that :inlove:
Chelsea liked this


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By Dean
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Elizabeth wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:23:16 pm
Dean wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:22:03 pm
Alison wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:21:17 pm

i was about to say the same thing!
John can eat a bag of humble dicks
Haters gonna hate
How can they hate so loudly with their heads up his ass :dunno:
Reynold, Elizabeth liked this


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By Jeff Probst
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-17th Place-

Played By: Mr Henny
From: Stranded/Isolated

Jeff Probst wrote: You were certainly in a good position early in the season controlling a lot of the votes. I think that caught up to you eventually and when the newbies smelled that threat they cut it immediately. Ironically, in a move to weaken Elizabeth, another feisty OTT female ending your game. Oh well at least you were on brand.
Shonee Fairfax wrote: I definitely expected you to go further than you did. It’s really weird to see you this this early. I think up and until that round you would been very solid and most of us were expecting you to be the veteran with the best chance at winning. I don’t really know what to tell you on why you went out so early but I think you were a better player than a lot of the other returnees.
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Preseason you were probably the only returnee who we thought had a chance at the win, the first week went great for you but then I think you thought you could coast with Liz until the merge, but didn't see the power shift to the newbies coming. If you had put in more effort with the newbies I think you could have made it. People here are going to hate on your game just because you like to boot faves but just relish in the villainy
Danni Boatwright wrote:You and idols. a stranded rivalry for the ages.
Loveita Adams wrote: On paper, you were SET. So set, in fact, I think those new players recognized they couldn't let you reconnect with key numbers in a merge. Another vet I was rooting hard for.
Caryn Groedel wrote: A lot of people were heartbroken when you were voted out here, because you got so screwed over in your first go-around & you’ve been on your knees pleading & begging to come back ever since, only to again suffer a tragic fate. I say all of that, to say this: imagine finally getting the second chance you’ve been salivating about for nearly 2 years only to get swapfucked in the pre-merge lmfaoooooo. Get bodied you boring motherfucker.
Jessica, Elizabeth, Reynold liked this

Jeff Probst

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By Laura
Dean wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:22:50 pm Laura, you're someone who is super sweet which goes against my very nature so ignore me and stick to the others.

Nah you're really kind though, don't lose that :inlove:
HAHAHA, why thank you :heart:
Dean liked this


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By Jessica
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Chelsea wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:23:39 pm
Jessica wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:22:12 pm
Alison wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:21:17 pm

i was about to say the same thing!
All my favorite people in one quote thread :heart:
Literally as soon as I hit submit, I thought of you! Sorry love! But NOW all of my favorite people are in one quote thread :heart:
Chelsea liked this


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By Laura
Hope wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:23:31 pm Laura and Hope 5ever, had you made it to the merge everyone would have been quaking <3
:sob: my fav <3 I was PRAYING we'd make merge together, but if it wasn't me, I'm SO GLAD it was you. You kicked ass for sure!!!
Hope, Elizabeth liked this


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By Jeff Probst
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-16th Place-

Played By: ChocolateLab (Choc)
From: Stranded, numerous other ORGs

Jeff Probst wrote: I really thought you were going to do well here. I was shocked to see you go premerge, you were so great. I think this move was a huge blunder for a lot of people in the game if that's any consolation. You were a great sport about it though, as always, and I'm sorry it didn't work out for you this time.
Shonee Fairfax wrote:You really surprised me with how laid-back you were with this big reputation you had coming into this game and kuril islands. But maybe that is why you were so laid-back and chill knowing you were known for being this big boisterous personality. I still really like you though.
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Robbed player of the premerge. Your boot was an absolute mistake and even though Matt/Sherri ran train on the merge, they were absolutely stupid to get rid of a number because they were worried Liz would waste her biggest weapon on someone else during the premerge. We got a more complex Wardog this time and you were really rootable
Danni Boatwright wrote:You were probably the player I was most upset to see leave pre-merge. You were getting such a great redemption story! But I don't know what else you could have done when you tribe just kept losing. No shame in going home on a questionable strategic decision from your allies.
Loveita Adams wrote: You were so fun to watch here! Very happy you made it further than in Kurils, and surviving so many more votes too! Just one loss less, and you were set in the merge.
Matt, Elizabeth, Reynold liked this

Jeff Probst

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By Laura
Sherri wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:24:10 pm Laura was a sweetheart through and through :heart: :heart:
Thank you Sherri!! So were you!! I can never forget our food convos lol :heart: :heart:
Sherri liked this


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By Dean
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Wardog I've little clue about you and went back and forth but honestly you're one of my fave characters looking back probably, I hope to see you play again someday
Reynold, Elizabeth liked this


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