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Day 31 - Live Final Tribal Council - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Jeff Probst
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C'mon in guys!

Matt, Michael, and Sherri, this is your final chance to address the answers your opponents gave and any further questions the jury might have.

In a sense, this is a guided free-for-all.

Jury, this is your final chance to address any answers given to you by the final three and to collect any last-minute information that will help in your decision.

You have all had the weekend to ask and answer questions in a structured manner gathering information ahead of a head-to-head debate. Tonight... is the time where you get to express your emotions and have more of a conversation with the finalists ahead of your vote.

This will last for 90 minutes.

Please do not make a joke of this or use it to post memes, spam emojis, or derail conversations. Save that for the Reunion tomorrow night.

Good luck!
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Jeff Probst

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By Michael
I guess I'll say something first.

I want to address @Alexis and @Elizabeth about what we were talking about in Elizabeth's thread. This is what I have from my confessional:

my favorite part is when things start stirring up as Hope makes an alliance with herself, Shamar, Alexis, Matt, and Liz. So basically leaving out Sherri and I. Matt comes to me right away about it, but for some reason Alexis was holding onto that information for a moment. She eventually told me about it and the fact that they were going to include Sherri on it, but it was the pause from her that was a bit concerning. Apparently Liz didn't want me to know about it at all. Ultimately, Alexis did come to me so I was never really worried about that new group

So I wanted just clear up my perspective on that :)
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By Hope
Michael wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:05:27 pm I guess I'll say something first.

I want to address @Alexis and @Elizabeth about what we were talking about in Elizabeth's thread. This is what I have from my confessional:

my favorite part is when things start stirring up as Hope makes an alliance with herself, Shamar, Alexis, Matt, and Liz. So basically leaving out Sherri and I. Matt comes to me right away about it, but for some reason Alexis was holding onto that information for a moment. She eventually told me about it and the fact that they were going to include Sherri on it, but it was the pause from her that was a bit concerning. Apparently Liz didn't want me to know about it at all. Ultimately, Alexis did come to me so I was never really worried about that new group

So I wanted just clear up my perspective on that :)
I had no idea that an alliance chat I made on day one that hasn't been spoken in since day one was so impactful. :angel:
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By Matt
Alright let's get into it. Final 3... how did you feel about the questioning, was there anything that you felt you didn't get to say or a vibe from the jury you didn't think was justified?
I felt that the questions were fair and made sense. I addressed some disconnects in some of the statements made by Sherri earlier that would be great to get follow ups on.

1) Did you vote with Jessica at F4 because you didn't want to be in finals with me or because you wanted her jury vote? You've said both.

2) What strategic decisions did you lead at the merge as you said in one of your first FTC responses?

3) Remember when we talked about the Stranded neighborhood after a few merge votes and you said you were going to be sweet as pie Sherri again at the bake sale. Your favorite was lemon meringue if I recall and mine is pecan. Were you being sweet as pie at FTC on purpose?
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By Michael
Jeff Probst wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:03:18 pm Alright let's get into it. Final 3... how did you feel about the questioning, was there anything that you felt you didn't get to say or a vibe from the jury you didn't think was justified?
A few things I wanted to address, but I wanted to stay away from doing anything that'd be considered a follow up.

Hope: I was the one who wrote 'You told ten too many lies' when I voted you out. Sorry that I missed that during your questioning.
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By Sherri
I also have some comments mainly regarding some of Matt’s answers to Alexis and Jessica. His comments are making me sound like I was just bullshitting everyone and faking being nice and manipulating the jury. Let’s clear that up. I’m not going to deny there weren’t times where I made some silly or sassy comments here and there. He’s using this neighbourhood thing we had if it’s this big gotcha moment which lol? I was having fun with him playing up being ‘Sherri the Housewife’ since I liked to cook so yeah, I said silly comments about bake sales and gardening and stuff. Then things like “omg I’m going to go braid Hope’s hair so she likes me’ and stupid things like that. I did look back on these moments as some fun I had with Matt and I never took anything either of us were saying as something actually rude or nasty. I don’t think anything Matt said to me during these moments were bad either but now suddenly it’s this awful thing I did? I’m just sad that Matt is trying to spin this into some terrible thing I was apart of. Like hello?? Are we really putting much stock into us talking about picking strawberries with people or opening a pretend jewellery store??

There were also moments, as I told Matt, where I said I felt I should act extra nice with people. I think a lot of people here are guilty of that and from a strategic view, I just wanted people to feel good with me and not come after me. However, these conversations were always based on a genuine connection and it’s not like I was paining myself to be nice to people. I also wasn’t just being nice to people if I knew they were going to be eliminated soon or anything like that. I wanted to talk to you all because a good cast makes a great season for me and if I was faking it all the time, that just wouldn’t be fun. If I’m honest, I think the only time I felt like I was really hamming it up was on Hope’s final day. Once again, that was strategy to keep her onside, and it’s something I’ve apologized for. Apart from that, I don’t feel like I was overly fake with anyone. Frankly, what really upsets me here is how Matt is trying to paint me in all this. Claiming that I was ‘grooming people’ is a pretty gross way to look at it and that really pisses me off. Not only is it such a poor choice of words, but any implication that I was deviously manipulating and using people in this game rather than befriending them and working with them is something that really bothers me. I try to play the game hard too but that’s not the kind of person I am, not the kind of game I play and I really didn’t appreciate those comments.

Now going back to what he was saying to Alexis, I think when it comes to her, especially, I felt we had some of the most genuine conversations from this entire game over some of those last few days. I think it was after one of the times she voted for me and I approached her and was just like okay, I know we’re not on the same path and we’re against each other here but it’s cool and we’re cool. We just ended up talking about being threats, laughing about being after each other and joking about having some rivalry for the lurkers. It wasn’t weird and it wasn’t awkward and it most definitely wasn’t fake or overly nice just for the hell of it. I honestly just didn’t want things to ever get weird between me and other people because that doesn’t make for as good of an experience.

I’m also not trying to be ‘righteous’ or anything here and I apologize if it comes off that way to anyone. I know Matt and Michael are both great people and not for a moment do I think that I’m some amazing hero because they’re getting more heat from the jury about their relationships. I just don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea and some of these comments really irked me. I’m definitely not Saint Sherri or anything but clearly there’s a reason the jury haven’t been coming after me as much and I think that’s because you saw how genuine I was in this game. I don’t consider myself a manipulative person in the slightest and it’s not like I was writing up these devilish confessionals about how I would just take advantage of everyone for my own game. I just don’t think these perceptions were accurate and I really felt the need to defend myself here.

Okay…just had to get that off my large chest :heart:
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By Michael
Hope wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:07:03 pm
Michael wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:05:27 pm I guess I'll say something first.

I want to address @Alexis and @Elizabeth about what we were talking about in Elizabeth's thread. This is what I have from my confessional:

my favorite part is when things start stirring up as Hope makes an alliance with herself, Shamar, Alexis, Matt, and Liz. So basically leaving out Sherri and I. Matt comes to me right away about it, but for some reason Alexis was holding onto that information for a moment. She eventually told me about it and the fact that they were going to include Sherri on it, but it was the pause from her that was a bit concerning. Apparently Liz didn't want me to know about it at all. Ultimately, Alexis did come to me so I was never really worried about that new group

So I wanted just clear up my perspective on that :)
I had no idea that an alliance chat I made on day one that hasn't been spoken in since day one was so impactful. :angel:

haha more impactful than the actual alliance itself! :rofl:
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By Alexis
Michael wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:05:27 pm I guess I'll say something first.

I want to address @Alexis and @Elizabeth about what we were talking about in Elizabeth's thread. This is what I have from my confessional:

my favorite part is when things start stirring up as Hope makes an alliance with herself, Shamar, Alexis, Matt, and Liz. So basically leaving out Sherri and I. Matt comes to me right away about it, but for some reason Alexis was holding onto that information for a moment. She eventually told me about it and the fact that they were going to include Sherri on it, but it was the pause from her that was a bit concerning. Apparently Liz didn't want me to know about it at all. Ultimately, Alexis did come to me so I was never really worried about that new group

So I wanted just clear up my perspective on that :)
This is not my recollection of it at all. From my perspective I told you pretty soon after, and I don't recall ever saying Liz didn't want you to know about it. Perhaps my "pause" was me cooking dinner or taking a long shit.

In all honesty, I completely forgot about this chat until you brought it up on Te Poto, so I'm sorry that it's something that shaped your outlook on people in the game so much moving forward, but it was extremely insignificant and formed right before the swap.
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By Reynold
@Matt that's kind of bullshit because now you're just giving her the puppet master edit which you and michael exclaimed so proudly to have taken the role of. Okay, everyone has to lie at some point?


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By Hope
Michael wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:07:30 pm
Jeff Probst wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:03:18 pm Alright let's get into it. Final 3... how did you feel about the questioning, was there anything that you felt you didn't get to say or a vibe from the jury you didn't think was justified?
A few things I wanted to address, but I wanted to stay away from doing anything that'd be considered a follow up.

Hope: I was the one who wrote 'You told ten too many lies' when I voted you out. Sorry that I missed that during your questioning.
ohh okay gotchaa... matt sorry i literally was dumb and kept forgetting i stole your vote that night my b :rofl:


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By Elizabeth
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Matt wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:07:16 pm Alright let's get into it. Final 3... how did you feel about the questioning, was there anything that you felt you didn't get to say or a vibe from the jury you didn't think was justified?
I felt that the questions were fair and made sense. I addressed some disconnects in some of the statements made by Sherri earlier that would be great to get follow ups on.

1) Did you vote with Jessica at F4 because you didn't want to be in finals with me or because you wanted her jury vote? You've said both.

2) What strategic decisions did you lead at the merge as you said in one of your first FTC responses?

3) Remember when we talked about the Stranded neighborhood after a few merge votes and you said you were going to be sweet as pie Sherri again at the bake sale. Your favorite was lemon meringue if I recall and mine is pecan. Were you being sweet as pie at FTC on purpose?
Matt. If all Sherri did was run a bake sale and call me a goat, she really isn’t going to like the things I’ve said about her. She’s a saint in comparison so it’s just sad you tried to make her out to be some villain with no ammo.
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By Michael
Allie wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:07:51 pm Finalists, how are you liking the jury?
I think it's been a bit of a ride for all of us in different ways. But I don't think most people's responses towards me were out of left field except for maybe one.
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