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Day 31 - Live Final Tribal Council - Page 6 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Reynold
@Allie oh absolutely me and mike played this together very closely and that's something that apparently has been ignored about this entire game. That was my point entirely, he could have hinted if he actually gave a shit.


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By Alexis
Matt wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:48:35 pm
Reynold wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:47:08 pm y'all damn sure voted for me/know about it at the end but couldn't at least give a heads up or matt, you could have warned sherri since you found out at the very end. She had 2 idols, y'all know damn well they were going to flush that idol. Don't play stupid with me.
Reynold I seriously had no idea this was happening lmao. You should ask Alexis and Hope about it and when they made the plan. I was not included.
This is true. Hope and I were talking like 10 min before TC, and five min before deadline, based on a few things Hope said to me, I was like, "Want to do Reynold?" and she was like "fuck yeah dude" and then we checked with Liz and Jess (I knew Liz had pitched Reynold's name earlier, but it hadn't stuck), and I checked with Rocker and Aurora (I think? Or at least whispered to them) and then Allie messaged me after that and was like "Reynold?" And then time was up.

I never talked to Matt about this because I didn't think he'd go for it. Even Michael was not at all keen on the idea of voting you out at that point, at least that's the impression I got, Reynold. He still wanted to work with you and Sherri in the future.
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By Alexis
Reynold wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:51:39 pm @Allie oh absolutely me and mike played this together very closely and that's something that apparently has been ignored about this entire game. That was my point entirely, he could have hinted if he actually gave a shit.
If you played the game so closely with him, why didn't you add Michael to the chats you added Hope to with your key alliance?

You're talking a big game for someone who lasted one round of merge.
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By Matt
Allie wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:49:33 pm You simply missed the point that you could hint an idol play on Reynold, I think.You kinda let a loyal ally go by letting it go, do you think reynold was worth something in your game?
It was Sherri's idol and she was using it on herself. I had no idea at the time that Reynold would be the one to go so it would've been hard to hint. The hindsight was helpful with that. Might be worth asking Sherri what she thought considering she also had the same information I did and could've thought about the idol play on Reynold!

I really enjoyed my interactions with Reynold and was sad when he went home. I enjoyed our conversations a lot and of course he meant something to be in the game while he was there. I had other connections and those helped carry me too.


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By Stephannie
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With all due respect I'm not buying this fully. Beyond our selfish "it could be me" paranoia, we all could make an educated guess that it would be Reynold. Even Shamar told me before the vote that it "would be one of the men" and we talked about that in our alliance chat too! I believe y'all maybe didn't know explicitly, but I also feel like there could be some exaggeration at play tonight.
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By Michael
Jessica wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:42:43 pm
Jessica wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:28:59 pm I have a question for Michael

You made sure to bring up trust a lot in your response to me, yet you never told me about this duo with Matt that was supposedly going on the entire game. So why are you holding me to a different standard with being 100% with you when you weren’t 100% with me?
@Michael, just in case you didn't see this!
Thanks, I seemed to have passed it.

I don't think I was really hiding my relationship with Matt with you at first. You knew that I was working with him before we swapped and that we had a relationship. The reason I never went into more detail with my relationship with Matt is because you started that first week with lying to me when we were getting to know each other.

The whole "I know Shamar's partner has the idol, but I don't know who his partner is" thing that happened that first week. It really made me feel a bit more apprehensive for awhile. Then his partnership with me wasn't really on the front of my mind on Te Poto since we weren't together anymore, and I wasn't 100% sure what our relationship was going to be after we merged. I knew that you'd get real shaky with me again if I told you how close I was with him, because you tended to get shaky with me about a lot of things, so I was waiting while on Te Poto before I even said anything.

once we merged, I had to feel him up before I knew where we stood, and his relationship to me wasn't really impacting the game much when it came in regards to you. Then once I heard you were getting super close with Hope and not talking to me about it I didn't feel comfortable telling you about how my relationship with him because I knew you still didn't trust me. I needed that extra ear to make sure I knew what was happening. If I ever felt like you were comfortable with me at the start, I would have told you.

Because I really wanted to be your partner and crush the game together. But one of the first bits of us sharing information was you lying to me about what you knew. While you were always in my inner circle, I knew I needed to keep that relationship away from you if you ever decided to lie to me again.


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By Aurora
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This is a little slow, so I'll bite. And I'll ask a real question this time.

I am SUPER interested in what Loveita is going to learn from her recent dissertation research on Stranded. I am very excited to see what correlations she will be able to draw.

Here is an excerpt from the study:

We are doing this study to find out how personality relates to a variety of strategies in the game, Stranded. . . . We study a variety of personality traits and their impact on certain outcomes within certain situations. Benefits of research cannot be guaranteed but we hope to learn which types of everyday personalities are linked with success in the game and how that might relate to other contexts. . . . we are interested in things like honesty, humility, and kindness in a business context.

So tell me, what "everyday personalities" are linked to your success? List one or five, doesn't matter. Some sort of explanation would be helpful.
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By Sherri
Just to give my perspective on the idol play, I personally had heard it would most likely be Tai or Reynold and that's what I was thinking going into the council. However, then there was a whole bunch of last minute whispering and I thought that at that point it could have been Tai, Reynold or a third option that was purposely not mentioned to me. Anything can happen last minute.
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By Matt
Stephannie wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:53:31 pm With all due respect I'm not buying this fully. Beyond our selfish "it could be me" paranoia, we all could make an educated guess that it would be Reynold. Even Shamar told me before the vote that it "would be one of the men" and we talked about that in our alliance chat too! I believe y'all maybe didn't know explicitly, but I also feel like there could be some exaggeration at play tonight.
Thanks Steph. I was on mobile and don't remember seeing that in the alliance chat but that would've been helpful. Shamar did not mention that to me. I literally had no idea lmao. I was still trying to talk to Hope about her vote until the last minute as well as Shamar who was wanting to vote Rocker at one point. I think I was so concerned about trying to get the votes that I didn't pause until after the vote and think about how it could've gone differently. So that was an oversight on my part and something I brought up in a FTC post today because it made sense that it could've gone differently.
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By Reynold
Nah dude, I called you shady on day two and I meant it. I've been trying to get along with you since the beginning and you've made it very hard. You're harsh and no wonder you're so up these two dudes asses, you're just like them and you're just as full of yourself LOL. I'm delusional because I tried to set something up and you two came in with a different energy after we were already in a group chat to begin with before the switch? You definitely were giving me "I don't want to work with you vibes" even though I was joking and trying my best with you. I thought michael was legit to me until like the last 2 hours, which I said he was shady, (which matt knew) and I was stating: IF THESE TWO ran this game together, like they said they did, so strongly, why did they not communicate/know much about this vote? It doesn't add up.


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By Rocker
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Hey Final 3 👋. I think you’ve all done great in your answers.

Who’s vote do you think you have? Who’s vote do you think the other 2 finalists definitely have?
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By Matt
Reynold wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:57:17 pm Nah dude, I called you shady on day two and I meant it. I've been trying to get along with you since the beginning and you've made it very hard. You're harsh and no wonder you're so up these two dudes asses, you're just like them and you're just as full of yourself LOL. I'm delusional because I tried to set something up and you two came in with a different energy after we were already in a group chat to begin with before the switch? You definitely were giving me "I don't want to work with you vibes" even though I was joking and trying my best with you. I thought michael was legit to me until like the last 2 hours, which I said he was shady, (which matt knew) and I was stating: IF THESE TWO ran this game together, like they said they did, so strongly, why did they not communicate/know much about this vote? It doesn't add up.
There are a bunch of assumptions here. I never said I ran the game with Michael?


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